CAD-CAM – Fractory The Partner for Online Manufacturing Wed, 18 Dec 2024 11:02:52 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 CAD-CAM – Fractory 32 32 Bill of Materials – What It Is, How It Works & Its Benefits Mon, 02 Dec 2024 14:19:43 +0000 A Bill of Materials (BOM) is a tool that helps to simplify complex products and industrial processes. Think of a product, such as a car, that is composed of 10,000 […]

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A Bill of Materials (BOM) is a tool that helps to simplify complex products and industrial processes. Think of a product, such as a car, that is composed of 10,000 individual components, each varying in shape, size, material, orientation, and function.

Most of these parts are sourced from various manufacturers before being assembled onto the body-in-white. In order to make a car, all of these parts must be sourced from within and outside a country in varying quantities. Thus, producing thousands of cars every month requires meticulous deliberation, planning and execution.

The complex process needs to be simplified to enhance accuracy and repeatability. A bill of materials is a tool that helps us achieve just that. This article will explore the concept of a bill of materials, its contents, types, and its role in simplifying complex processes within various departments in different industries.

Key Takeaways
  • A bill of materials is a comprehensive, product-specific document that details the entire process of manufacturing and assembling a product from its components.
  • A good bill of materials has the potential to impact design, quality, supply chain management, communication, collaboration, sustainability, regulatory compliance, and cost savings.
  • A clear and well-structured bill of materials can set a process up for success by improving its efficiency and accuracy.

What Is a Bill of Materials?

A Bill of Materials (BOM) is a product-specific document that provides a detailed breakdown of a product into assemblies and sub-assemblies. It serves as a comprehensive blueprint, outlining the various components involved in the manufacturing process. Think of it as a grocery list for making your assembly.

A bill of materials is an important and useful document, it serves as the foundation for production planning systems. As the number of parts in a product increases, it becomes increasingly difficult to manage the availability of all the components in sufficient quantities for the assembly process. The unavailability of just one part can halt the entire assembly line, costing the company thousands of dollars in lost productivity.

To prevent this, companies use a bill of materials to plan and track component purchases, optimise inventory levels and reduce waste. When used correctly, it enables a more systematic and deliberate process, minimising unplanned downtime and errors while ensuring operations run at the lowest possible cost.

What Is Included in a Bill of Materials?

A bill of materials can take on different forms. It has different components depending on the department to which it belongs.

For instance, a manufacturing bill of materials includes details, such as the product code, part name and number, quantity, description, colour, size, and the process in which it will be used to make the final product.

A sales bill of materials includes sales-relevant information, such as product prices, shipping details, part weight and dimensions, payment terms, tax rates, etc.

Thus, the BOM may include all the information that a department needs for smooth operations.

Bill of Materials BOM
Bill of Materials BOM

Bill of Materials (BOM) Structure

A Bill of Materials (BOM) follows a standard structure. At the top is the finished product, which branches into sub-assemblies and their individual components as the hierarchy progresses downward. The BOM hierarchy resembles a pyramid, with the simplest components, such as fasteners, forming the base. These components combine with others at successive levels, ultimately culminating in the finished product at the apex.

Some BOM layouts may also include orthographic projections of a product, with all components tabulated at the bottom along with their details.

The structure of a bill of materials may also change depending on whether it is a single-level BOM or multi-level BOM:

  • A single-level BOM places the finished product at the top, with individual components listed just beneath it. There are no sub-assemblies.
  • A multi-level BOM is required for parts that have a high number of components and need more than one tier of hierarchy. The product’s assembly is broken down into sub-assemblies, tier after tier, until the individual components are reached.

A comprehensive bill of materials should include the following information:

Product or Assembly NameIdentifies the product or assembly, which is especially important for companies managing multiple product lines.

Part Name – Identifies the part and includes relevant details associated with it.

Part Number A unique numeric or alphanumeric identifier is assigned to each part to ensure easy identification. A product may include several similar parts that vary in size or shape. For instance, bolts, which are commonly used as fasteners, can be differentiated by assigning a unique identifier to each type. This approach allows for more effective tracking and management of availability and usage.

Description – Prevents confusion between similar parts by providing any unique information about a part that may be overlooked at first glance. It may include details, such as colour or dimensions.

Quantity – Indicates the number of components in the final product. This helps to plan purchasing and manufacturing activities. Different components may have different units of measurement. The unit may be located in an adjacent column or in the quantity column itself.

BOM Level – A multi-level BOM consists of several levels. The Bill of Materials (BOM) also specifies the level for every component based on its position in the BOM hierarchy.

Manufacturer Details – Including manufacturer details is essential when a product consists of components or sub-assemblies sourced from multiple suppliers.

Part Phase – The term “part phase” refers to the stage a part is currently in. For a New Product Introduction (NPI) part, the phase might be labeled as “unreleased” or “in design.” For a finalised part that has reached the production stage and is on the machine shop floor, may be marked as “in production.” The part phase may sometimes also include the version of the parts, as they evolve through optimisations.

Alternate Part – A column may be added to the BOM to inform the reader of alternative parts to be used if the original part is unavailable.

Component Cost – The component’s unit cost may also be mentioned alongside their name in some bills of materials. This helps to understand the cost weightage of each component.

Procurement Type – The bill of materials may also specify the procurement method for a particular component. For items readily available in the market, the BOM may refer to them as “off-the-shelf”. custom-made parts, on the other hand, will be referred to as “made-to-specification”. This distinction helps us understand that certain parts may have longer lead times than others, enabling the team to plan manufacturing and purchasing activities accordingly.

Priority Analysis – The priority analysis column indicates which components or parts have a higher priority, typically requiring greater monetary investments or longer lead times. This helps to distinguish between critical parts and common parts.

BOM Notes & Comments – A Bill of Materials (BOM) also includes a notes/comments section for documenting any changes as the project progresses. For clarity, this section may also include diagrams and assemblies of relevant parts.

Types of Bills of Materials

Bills of materials are widely used in most product-based companies.

Although BOMs originated in manufacturing, they have gradually transitioned to other organisational functions. Today, in addition to a Manufacturing BOM, there are various types of bills of materials: Sales BOM, Engineering BOM, Production BOM, Purchasing BOM, Service BOM, and CAD BOM.

Each Bill of Materials (BOM) plays a crucial role in product development, and all of these BOMs are essential for the relevant department to support its functions and processes. Let’s take a look at two of the most important bills of materials to understand what they offer.

Engineering BOM

The engineering department prepares the Engineering Bill of Materials (EBOM) to define their product. It has a hierarchical structure with detailed specifications of each component, such as part number and tolerances. The EBOM is usually created using Computer-Aided Design (CAD) or Electronic Design Automation (EDA) software.

An EBOM covers only engineering concerns, such as form, fit and function. It does not concern itself with how parts are manufactured or procured. The EBOM is one of the first BOMs created in product development.

Manufacturing BOM

The Manufacturing Bill of Materials (MBOM) is created by the manufacturing team to build the product. Unlike the EBOM, it has a more visual format, with diagrams and/or flowcharts. Since manufacturing can only begin once the design is finalised, the Manufacturing BOMs are created after EBOMs.

The manufacturing BOM focuses on how a product is made. It contains detailed information about the manufacturing process, tooling, work instructions, and assembly stages.

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Information Flow Between BOMs

All the different BOMs mentioned in the previous section are interconnected. Information flows from the top to the bottom through all the different bills of materials.

At the start of product development, only the requirements and specifications of the part are available. Using this information, an early bill of materials is generated, listing the assemblies and parts required for the final product.

The engineering department is the end user of the early BOM, as it helps them get a head start. They use the information from the early BOM to generate the Engineering BOM. The Engineering BOM is more comprehensive, benefiting departments like manufacturing, purchasing and servicing.

Each department uses the Engineering BOM to generate its own BOMs: Manufacturing BOM, Purchasing BOM and Service BOM. For example, if the Engineering BOM specifies that a part requires 6 M12 bolts, the purchasing department would order 600 M12 screws if the company plans to manufacture 100 finished products. So, in a way, the supporting departments are the actual consumers of the Engineering BOM.

In complex industries, such as the automotive and aerospace, all bills of materials play an important role. The components that form the product may be manufactured in-house or sourced from Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 suppliers. Parallel products may be manufactured simultaneously. Some components may be common to multiple products, while others may be unique to each product.

Effective optimisation of inventory and supply chain management requires a purchasing bill of materials that serves as a reference point for all stakeholders. This ensures alignment and prevents both shortages and wastage. However, not all types of BOMs are necessary for every company. Smaller companies, that do not have high purchasing requirements, can operate without a purchasing BOM.

How to Create a Bill of Materials

A bill of materials needs to be as comprehensive as possible without including any unnecessary information. Let’s break down the process of creating a general bill of materials when starting from scratch:

Step 1: Understand the Product

Start by defining the product and the goal of the bill of materials. By understanding the objective, irrelevant information can be filtered out. Pay attention to the design, specifications and all product documentation.

Step 2: List All Parts

Break the product down into its sub-assemblies, components and materials. Try to delve as deep as possible to identify each component separately.

Step 3: Identify Part Numbers and Other Part-Specific Information

In this step, gather specific information about each part of the Bill of Materials (BOM). This could be the manufacturer’s part number, description, part colour, dimensions, weight or any other relevant measurement. You may want to include part revision numbers to track changes over time.

Step 4: Create the Bill of Materials (BOM) Structure

The product determines the format. When dealing with a product with just a few components, a single-level BOM is efficient. For complex parts, a multi-level BOM would be more appropriate. Choose the relevant information gathered in Step 3 and organise the components in a hierarchical structure. The individual components are at the bottom. Moving up, these components are combined to form sub-assemblies that eventually lead to the final product. The final structure should look like a tree root or a pyramid.

Additional Tips

  1. Include sufficient visual aids, such as drawings and diagrams.

  2. Mention the manufacturers and suppliers of the different components in the BOM.

  3. Manual bills of materials are prone to errors and difficult to modify. Invest in good BOM software for a better experience.

  4. For clarity and consistency, use standard formats, terms and units.

Optimising a Bill of Materials

If you already have a BOM, you may be looking for tips to improve it. A bill of materials is an excellent tool, but it needs consistent maintenance. The following tips can help you optimise your current BOM to ensure you have the best version at all times.

Review at Regular Intervals

The most important feature of a BOM is that it accurately represents a process. However, product changes and updates occur regularly in most products. Therefore, BOMs have to be reviewed and updated regularly to reflect these changes correctly.

Cross-Functional Review

Discussing BOM among the various departments can reveal any missed information and how it could be included. This would make the BOM more accurate and complete than before.

Add Visual Aids

Add visual aids where necessary, such as images, diagrams and drawings, to enhance clarity and understanding of complex assemblies.

Integrate with Other Systems

Integrating the BOM with other systems, such as ERP and PLM, can make editing easier and allow better version control.

Integration of design data and processes into ERM and PLM.

Benefits of Using a Bill of Materials

As pointed out in previous sections, a bill of materials serves various functions in different departments. Naturally, it also provides different benefits to each of them. In this section, you’ll find the benefits offered by the two most common bills of materials: the Engineering BOM and the Manufacturing BOM.

Benefits of an Engineering BOM (EBOM)

The Engineering BOM provides immense value not only to the engineering department but also to departments that support engineering, such as sales, purchasing and manufacturing. Investing in this tool helps engineering departments enhance efficiency and achieve their objectives. Let’s take a look at some specific advantages that an EBOM provides:

Improved Product Quality – The engineering bill of materials helps to enhance product quality over time by reinforcing design practices, minimising errors and reducing the need for rework.

Design Accuracy – Having a standardised EBOM enables the team to have a clear understanding of the various components, their design specifications and functionality. This enhances overall design accuracy.

Avoiding Downstream Problems – The team creates the EBOM during the design phase. This allows the engineers to identify and resolve potential issues well in advance, preventing costly corrections downstream.

Effective Communication – A picture speaks a thousand words. An EBOM is a comprehensive document that systematically lays out the form, fit and function of the proposed product and its components. This enables effective communication among the interdisciplinary teams involved in the product development process.

Version Control – A product may undergo many changes throughout the production process. These changes need to be tracked, documented and communicated to all stakeholders as soon as they are finalised. An EBOM with version control capabilities allows us to manage changes during the design phase and ensures that everyone has access to the most up-to-date and accurate information.

Synergy with PLM Software – The engineering bill of materials can be integrated with Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) software to oversee product data throughout its lifecycle. The integration is fast and seamless, offering the benefits of centralisation.

Failure Cause Identification – An accurate BOM helps identify the cause of product failure and facilitates the replacement of faulty components or materials.

Benefits of a Manufacturing BOM (MBOM)

The Manufacturing BOM serves as the central document for the manufacturing team. It is derived from the Engineering BOM and contains all the information relevant to manufacturing the product. Having an exhaustive and well-updated Manufacturing Bill of Materials (MBOM) provides the following advantages.

Improved Production Planning – The MBOM contains a comprehensive list of components along with all the required specifications and essential raw materials needed for manufacturing. This helps in accurate resource allocation and production planning. The BOM is also a prerequisite for designing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Materials Requirement Planning (MRP) systems.

Errors Minimised – Most errors in a manufacturing setup occur during the manufacturing and assembly of parts. Having a BOM standardises these manufacturing processes for all the concerned employees and reduces the chances of errors.

Improved Inventory Management – A clear and well-structured BOM helps maintain the appropriate inventory levels for production needs. It enables the anticipation of demand and ensures timely fulfillment while minimising logistics costs. This approach prevents common inventory issues such as stockouts, overstocking and backorders, as well as their cascading effects, including lost productivity, production delays and downtime.

Time Savings – Having a centralised document containing all the part details leads to time savings across the board. Details, such as part numbers, part colours and the fabrication process in which they will be used, can be easily revised by referring to the MBOM in case of any confusion. Items can be located within minutes in the store. Small time savings add up and improve the overall productivity and efficiency of the manufacturing operations.

Budget Control – An MBOM can reduce waste and improve time management, ultimately helping an organisation maintain control over budget.


All in all, a bill of materials is an essential tool for any company that wants to improve its production efficiency. A good BOM, through specifications, quantities and component details, improves collaboration among the various teams and streamlines workflows.

The benefits reach beyond the shop floor. A well-structured BOM allows to control inventory, production cost and product quality. A direct beneficial impact can seen in the accuracy and efficiency of the setup, and an indirect impact appears in customer satisfaction.

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Best Free CAD Software in 2024 Mon, 12 Feb 2024 09:20:49 +0000 CAD stands for computer-aided design software. Simply put, these are computer programs that allow users to create 3D models and 2D drawings of products in the design phase. CAD software […]

The post Best Free CAD Software in 2024 appeared first on Fractory.

CAD stands for computer-aided design software. Simply put, these are computer programs that allow users to create 3D models and 2D drawings of products in the design phase. CAD software is an excellent tool for visualising the product concept and creating the necessary documentation for production.

But 2D and 3D CAD programs can be expensive to buy or subscribe to. Additionally, there are so many alternatives to choose from that finding the right fit becomes a difficult task in itself.

This is why we created this article listing some of the best free CAD software. Additionally, we have added some trial versions for the most well-known powerful CAD programs around.

What Makes Computer-Aided Design Software a Necessity for Engineers?

Computer-aided design software has pretty much completely replaced manual drafting. From being a coveted luxury in design, CAD software is now the default design tool in all sectors of engineering.

In recent years, its ability to ensure communication/collaboration through cloud storage and seamless integration with CAM and CAE systems has significantly increased its proliferation and ubiquity through the design space. The software allows us to create highly complex 3D designs that can take full advantage of the CAM possibilities of today to deliver truly amazing results.

Computer-aided design software further provides many additional functionalities such as analysis, modification, and optimisation of the design prior to manufacturing. The designers can rectify any design errors in the 3D models before the manufacturing phase begins. Making small changes to see how they improve the overall aesthetics and functionality of the product is made very easy.

All these great advantages with little to no disadvantages have made 2D and 3D CAD software a necessity in modern design setups.

How to Choose the Best CAD Software?

There are many different types of CAD programs available in the market. The best CAD software for an application changes from case to case as it depends on many factors such as the desired capability, pricing, application, and ease of learning. One must ask himself the following questions to choose the right CAD software for himself.

What is the purpose?

This is the most important factor that will determine the best CAD software for one’s needs. Companies create CAD software with a certain target audience in mind.

Some software is designed with lots of functionalities that can be used in a variety of fields (general-purpose software such as SolidWorks), while others are designed with a focus on specific niches such as automobile design (e.g. CATIA).

Most free CAD software does not have a specific focus but they still differ from one another.

What features do you need?

Modern CAD software provides a wide range of features. Some software can get really bulky, demanding higher storage and computer processing power from the user. But if finite element analysis, topology optimisation, generative design, etc. are all part of your project flow, these features can be found in many CAD packages.

It is best to opt for features that are most relevant to the application that the software will be subjected to. Writing down a list of your desired features can significantly narrow down the search for the perfect CAD software for you.

Level of expertise

If you are a student and/or a beginner, it might be better to start with CAD software with a short learning curve. Features that help beginners must be given preference. These are:

  • A uniform interface throughout the program
  • Free learning material
  • An active online community for common questions

If you are an advanced user, you need to give thought to features such as:

  • The CAD program’s feature set meets all your needs
  • It is natively interoperable with relevant solutions such as simulation
  • Can import/export all relevant file formats
  • The development team is active and regularly introduces new features to keep up with the latest trends

Free 3D CAD Software

We will be starting out with 3D CAD software. The advanced features of 3D CAD have become essential tools from the point of mechanical engineering. All in all, this has proven to speed up the design process by 45% compared to 2D drafting programs.

But these CAD programs can be costly. In many cases, the monthly subscription fee of 3D CAD software can be significantly higher than the lifetime fee of a 2D CAD alternative. This leads to many users looking for free 3D CAD software or professional-grade software with extended trial periods.

We have compiled a list of 3D CAD programs that are either free, have long trial periods or come at a comparatively low cost. If you’re looking for a great 3D CAD program, you can select one from here:

  • OnShape
  • Fusion 360
  • FreeCAD
  • Sketchup
  • Autodesk Inventor
  • SolidWorks
  • Solid Edge


Onshape overview
Onshape overview

Onshape is a 3D CAD software designed by a team that initially worked for SolidWorks. Among fully free 3D parametric modelling software, Onshape is one of the very best.  There are some very useful advantages in preferring this CAD software over its competitors for 3D modelling.

To begin with, Onshape has parametric modelling. This means the feature tree records every operation (model history) to support as many edits as needed. Onshape is a feature-packed 3D modeller at par with many paid alternatives. Yes, it may not have all features (FEM support for instance) when you first start but they can be easily added via 3rd party apps from the App store. Most of the apps in its App store are free as well.

In addition to these apps, Onshape can load feature scripts from the community to generate custom geometry. Users also have the option to write their own code for it. These feature scripts allow quick access to difficult-to-design parts.

Onshape is a fully cloud-based 3D modelling software. All you need to do is sign up for an account and start using it. No installation, only login.

Being completely cloud-based has several benefits. One of these is the auto-save function. There is no need to save regularly out of fear of losing work. It also helps users pick up where they left off when working from home. Also, the CAD software never crashes as it is independent of the hardware of the computer it is being used on.

Another benefit is the availability on all platforms which allow you to connect to the internet. This also boosts collaboration and communication efficiency. It works like Google Docs where multiple users can access the same document remotely and make edits on it simultaneously. There’s absolutely no need to save files to share via email or other channels.

An underrated advantage that Onshape offers is that it offers quality STL printing. Only those who have used other free CAD software (such as SketchUp) to create STL files to manufacture complex parts will understand the value of a watertight STL file. Onshape creates files that are perfect for CNC manufacturing methods such as laser cutting or additive manufacturing methods such as 3D printing.

Supported file formats

Imports Parasolid, ACIS, STEP, IGES, CATIA v4, CATIA v5, CATIA v6, SolidWorks, Solid Edge, Inventor, Pro/ENGINEER, Creo, JT, Rhino, STL files, OBJ, NX, glTF, 3MF, DWT, DXF, and DWG.

Exports Parasolid, ACIS, STEP, IGES, STL, Pro/ENGINEER, Creo, JT, Rhino, NX, JT, GTLF, Collada, PVZ, 3MF, OBJ, SolidWorks, DXF, DWG, PDF, SVG, PNG, JPEG, and DWT.

Operating system

Owing to it being a cloud-based CAD software, Onshape can be used on all platforms such as Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. Similarly, it works well on iOS as well as Android devices.


The free version is free with few limitations. Also, you can apply for a free 14-day trial of the professional edition.

For the paid version, there are three packages: Standard, Professional, and Enterprise.

The Standard plan is also free for students, educators and hobbyists. OnShape is also offering its Professional plan to hardware startups and entrepreneurs at no cost.

Fusion 360

Fusion 360 is a cloud-based 3D CAD/CAM/CAE/PCB software first released by Autodesk in 2013. It is largely considered the best free CAD software around because of its advanced features.

Fusion 360 seamlessly connects the dots between design and fabrication by offering capabilities such as conceptual design, simulation, rendering, and CAM integration. As such, Fusion 360 is perfect for small to medium-sized businesses that need a solution to integrate their entire manufacturing process.

Fusion 360 Features
Fusion 360 Features

Fusion 360 has a neat and simple user interface. It’s intuitive and easy to get the hang of, making it suitable for novice CAD users while having the advanced features of premium software also present.

The organisation setup is quite modern with its palettes, tiles, menus, and toolbars compared to older Autodesk counterparts such as Inventor. The right-click menu, for example, brings the most used tools to the top and also offers the click-and-drag ability to quickly access common CAD tools.

Similar to Onshape, Fusion 360 is a cloud-based 3D CAD software. It uses the power of the cloud for intensive tasks such as rendering and FEA which allows you to use Fusion 360 on lower-spec devices with relative ease.

Cloud support is also great for excellent collaboration and communication between teams working on the same project. Multiple users can edit the project in real time. When done, the program saves the work on the Autodesk cloud. You can also export a copy to your local machine.

An advantage that Fusion 360 has over Onshape is that, with the local copy, you can continue to work offline. The only drawback is that you cannot translate files into Fusion 360 without an internet connection.

Fusion 360 has free-form and solid 3D modelling tools integrated seamlessly. It can carry out 3D modelling, animation and rendering flawlessly. Getting the parts ready for CNC manufacturing methods like laser cutting is also easy.

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Supported file formats

Fusion 360 currently supports 3D file formats such as .3dm, .asm, .brd, .cam360, .CATPart, .CATProduct, .f3d, .fbx, .g, .iam, .ige, .iges, .igs, .ipt, .neu, .obj, .prt, .sab, .sat, .sch, .skp, .sldasm, .sldprt, .smb, .smt, .ste, .step, .stl, .stp, .wire, .x_b, .x_t, .123dx.

For 2D drawings, it supports .svg, .dxf, and .dwg files.

Operating system

One can use Fusion 360 as a native application on Windows and Mac or as a web app.  The license is connected to one’s Autodesk login and not to a particular device. F360 apps are available for Android and iOS platforms too.


Fusion 360 has a free trial period of 30 days after which an interested user may subscribe to a monthly, yearly, or 3-year subscription. As an added bonus you’ll also have the ability to trial Fusion 360 extensions while still on the trial period.

Fusion 360 is free for educational use. The 1-year free license is equally available for a student and an educator. As long as you remain eligible, it is possible to renew the educational subscription every year.

Autodesk also offers a limited free version for personal use provided the use is for non-commercial purposes.  This version includes basic functionality for home-based users.

Pais subscription with the complete functionality of Fusion 360 is available at the following prices:

Monthly: 85 USD

Annually: 680 USD

3-yearly: 2040 USD (If you wish to lock in your price for a longer period)


Freecad modelling interface

FreeCAD is an open-source 3D modelling software that has gained traction in the last few years. It is a completely free software alternative to expensive CAD programs.

With the number of features it offers, it can easily be compared to expensive industry giants such as SolidWorks. The two of them have similar constraints and tools. And even relations such as tangent, symmetric, and horizontal remain the same. Features such as extrude, revolve, and loft match with professional-grade programs. Surfacing with this free CAD software is especially good thanks to some added features.

For the user interface, FreeCAD has implemented a full GUI mode as well as a command-line interface capability. After a few hours of practice, you will be able to navigate all the buttons easily. Just like SolidWorks, FreeCAD can define hotkeys for quick use during design. This way, users can reach for the hotkeys with one hand and use the mouse with the other, significantly speeding up the design process in FreeCAD compared to some of its paid and other free alternatives.

FreeCAD sheet metal environment
FreeCAD sheet metal environment

When it comes to simulation, FreeCAD can perform FEA. The visualisation tools and analysis are quite advanced. It has mechanical and thermal analysis capabilities that can achieve higher resolution in desired areas for mesh analysis.

As one of the most interesting features, it can also perform CFD analysis. Features such as making assemblies, exploded views, and tracking degrees of freedom across the entire range of assembly components are a definite advantage.

The software is capable of updating the BOM as well as creating drawings of the assemblies. It has a vast range of symbols needed to create technical documentation. Presently, FreeCAD has no support for geometric dimensioning and tolerancing but users have developed some workbenches that add GD&T features to FreeCAD.

All the above benefits make it a complete 3D CAD/CAE solution. An added advantage is that since many features match with professional-grade software, transitioning from FreeCAD to other industrial CAD is pretty smooth.

Users looking to make themselves more marketable in the CAD space can use FreeCAD as a stepping stone before moving onto the expensive industry-preferred 3D modelling software. The availability of copious tutorials and communities on almost every social media is a plus point.

It is the perfect CAD software for someone looking for great functionality while not willing to pay for using a CAD program.

Supported file formats

Imports as well as exports in SVG, DXF, STEP, STL, IFC, SCAD, OBJ, IV(Inventor), OFF, NASTRAN, VRML, SCAD (OpenSCAD), DAE (Collada), and IGES.

FreeCAD’s native format is .FCStd.

Operating system

Like LibreCAD, FreeCAD is based on the Qt library making it work flawlessly on multiple operating systems. It works on Mac OS, Linux, Unix, and Windows. At the time of writing this article, FreeCAD doesn’t offer a web app or mobile support.




Sketchup is a 3D crafter developed by Trimble for industries such as engineering, architecture, interior design, and video game development. SketchUp has two web-only versions (SketchUp Free and SketchUp Go) and two hybrid desktop/web versions (SketchUp Pro and SketchUp Studio). The web-only versions are used as web apps through browsers.

The SketchUp UI is simple yet intuitive. There is some difference between the UI for the free version and the paid versions. For SketchUp Free, the different CAD tools and features are rolled up into toolbars on the edges of the modelling window, making it appear cleaner. In the left-hand side toolbar are the different sketching tools, and clicking them opens up more options. For instance, clicking on the Line tool gives the option to either draw a line with two points or freehand.

On the right-hand side toolbar are important features such as outliner, 3D warehouse and tags. The 3D warehouse, a unique feature of SketchUp, stores millions of ready-to-go 3D models sorted by categories. Anyone can add to it or use the 3D models from this warehouse for their designs. Free users get 100 downloads a day or 1000 downloads a month, which frankly, is a lot, and users rarely approach this limit. This saves the designer plenty of time in 3D modelling a variety of different parts. The UI also allows for keyboard shortcuts (R for rectangle, C for circle, etc.)

The free version offers a limited 10 GB cloud storage compared to the unlimited storage in GO, Pro and Studio versions. The Free and Go versions do not work offline. The Free version’s license only allows non-commercial use. A limitation of the free option is the inability to use extensions due to it being a web-based program.

Pro and Studio versions offer the ability to create construction drawings and 2D representations directly from  3D models. The main difference between the two is that the Studio version offers photorealistic renders and real-time visualisations. Also, Studio users can efficiently convert Revit models into SketchUp geometry.

It is important to note here that SketchUp does not process nor export STP files and separate converters should be used for that, so the free CAD software is not best suited for mechanical engineers.

Supported file formats

SketchUp Free

Imports SKP, PNG and JPG

Exports SKP, STL and PNG

SketchUp Go

Imports SKP, PNG, JPG, DWG, DXF, DAE, KMZ, 3DS, and DEM


SketchUp Pro

Imports DDF, IFC, IFCZIP, BMP, PSD, TIF, TGA, and PDF (Mac Only) besides everything in SketchUp Go

Exports IFC, WRL, TIF, EPS, and PDF (Mac Only) besides everything in SketchUp Go

SketchUp Studio

Imports RVT, RWP, LAS/LAZ, TFZ, PLY, E57 besides everything in SketchUp Pro

Exports all the same formats as SketchUp Studio

Operating system

Since Sketchup Free and Shop are web-based apps, they can be used on all operating systems. Sketchup Pro and Studio support Mac OS and Windows platforms.

All three support model viewers for iOS and Android devices.


Sketchup Free is free to use and paid versions have a 30-day free trial.

Sketchup Go – USD 119/ year

Sketchup Pro – USD 349/ year

Sketchup Studio – USD 749/ year

On request, Sketchup also provides a full refund within 14 days of purchase.

Autodesk Inventor

Developed by Autodesk, Inventor is the go-to product design software for mechanical design. It provides a world-class 3D modelling, documentation, and product simulation solution to manufacturers. The design can be a blend of different methods such as direct, free-form, parametric or rules-based.

Up until 2022, Inventor was available in two versions: Inventor and Inventor Professional. The standard software had all the CAD features necessary for a good mechanical design. Its professional counterpart added advanced tools such as dynamic simulation, cable & harness,  tube & pipe environments, stress analysis and frame generator which is very handy for large-scale factory design, for example.

Since then, Inventor has switched things up a bit and now there’s only one version of Inventor available which includes all the advanced bells and whistles. Users that preferred the standard version with fewer features are now guided towards Fusion 360.

Autodesk Inventor has a pretty standard interface found in many other Windows-based applications. The main window consists of the ribbon, the graphics window, the application frame and the browser. Even for a beginner, it is easy to learn Inventor due to the abundance of study material and video tutorials available online.

Although the software comes with a hefty price tag, we included it in the free CAD article based on the trial versions. The reason is that Inventor is a very powerful professional software that is widely used in the industry.

Supported file formats

Imports STL, DXF, OBJ, DWF Markup, and IDF, STEP, Solid Edge, Solid Works, SAT, Rhino, ProE, NX, JT, IGES, Creo Parametric, CATIA V4 and v5, and Alias. 

Exports in most of these formats as well.

Inventor itself uses .ipt for part files, .iam for assembly files, .ipn for presentation files, and .idw/.dwg for drawing files.

Operating system

Autodesk Inventor is available only on Microsoft Windows as a native application. Windows 11 or 10 is needed for Inventor 2023 and 2024. The last release to support Windows 7 was Inventor 2020.

There is no native application for Mac as well as Linux-based computers for this CAD software. However, it is possible to use Windows-based Inventor on these machines through either a Bootcamp, a Virtual Machine, or remote access of a Windows-based computer.

Inventor does not have versions for mobile phones but it allows sharing views of drawings/models through a link. The 2D drawing/3D model can be accessed via a browser on any device for viewing purposes.


A user with a regular 30-day free trial needs to subscribe to Inventor after the 30-day trial period expires. Inventor 2024 is available at the following pricing options.

For a teacher or a student, Inventor provides a 1-year educational license for free which is renewable as long as one is eligible.

Monthly: 315 USD

Annually: 2500 USD

3-yearly: 7500 USD (If you wish to lock in your price for a longer period)


Solidworks user interface

Dassault Systèmes is the creator of SolidWorks. It is one of the most popular 3D CAD software tools in the market offering a complete 3D solution to draft, model, simulate, print, analyse and manage 3D designs.

For 3D modelling/prototyping, SolidWorks has many features that just make it so much easier than alternative CAD applications. The wide product tree helps with technical drawing preparation. Complex assemblies are easy to make, the rendering is realistic, and the simulation reports are decent.

The one thing that almost every user appreciates about SolidWorks is the easy-to-use interface. Its GUI beats Abacus, CATIA, and Ansys. The menus are easy to navigate. Hovering over tools shows what they can do which is especially helpful for beginners. SolidWorks places the commands as close as possible to the cursor to retain the user’s attention on the modelling screen and away from the command menus. Just a right click on the mouse or keyboard shortcuts is sufficient to access the majority of the available commands.

The UI also integrates the different aspects of the process such as manufacturing, costing, assembly and also integrates FEA into the software in an intuitive and streamlined manner. The simulations and animations are easy to use and the toolbox has many worldwide acceptable standards. It is great for CFD analysis and FEA.

SolidWorks has a heavy influence on the mechanical design industry. This has led to a very active community for help with any tasks or issues. There are plenty of video tutorials and helpful documentation online for beginners as well as advanced users. In addition to all the above resources, the development team extends prompt and effective customer support when needed.

Similarly to Inventor, SolidWorks is premium software that does not really belong to the free CAD software category. But as it has a very large dedicated community among the mechanical engineering crowd, we shall bring out some options to get your hands on a free version.

Supported file formats

SolidWorks supports a wide array of file formats such as .dxf, .dwg .psd, .ai, .x_t, .stp, .sat, .igs, .iges, .vda, .wrl, .stl, .cgr, .prt, .asm, IFC, .ipt, .iam, .psm, .asm, .ckd, .dll, .emn, .brd, .bdf, .ibd, and .3dm. Knowing which format to use can be a bit tricky as this list includes all file types such as 2D path, 3D mesh, and 3D solids.

From personal experience, the accuracy with which SolidWorks imports each format varies. For example, with some, you may be able to import the history which could not be the case with others.

Operating system

SolidWorks is available on Microsoft Windows as a native application. There is no native alternative for Mac OS and Linux but it can be used there through a bootcamp or through a VM.

There is no mobile alternative for SolidWorks either. However, there is a lighter version of SolidWorks known as eDrawings. With the added capability of AR/VR, users can review and collaborate on SolidWorks’ 3D models on iOS, Android, and Mac besides native Windows.


SolidWorks isn’t big on trials. If you are not a student, SolidWorks offers a two-hour online trial over a period of two days. When this trial expires, it can be extended for another two hours. If you need more time with the trial version, a 7-day unrestricted online or up to a 30-day desktop trial period can be arranged through a reseller.

For students, SolidWorks offers highly discounted packages: 60 USD for the online version which can be accessed anywhere through the web (also on tablets and phones) and 99 USD for the complete desktop version. The educational license is obtainable through the official website.

They’ve also got programs for startup incubators and VC’s to make their products available through them to early-stage startups.

SolidWorks comes in many different packages depending on what services are needed and who is going to be using them. The paid plans are named Standard, Professional, and Premium.

The standard model costs USD 3995 with an annual maintenance fee of USD 1295. The professional model costs USD 5495 with an annual maintenance fee of USD 1495.  For the premium model, the cost is USD 7995 with an annual fee of USD 1995. For each of these models, term licenses for 3 months or a year are also available as needed.

SolidWorks isn’t displaying any price information on its homepage. You’ll have to buy the software through a reseller, so the prices may actually vary depending on the country you’re residing in.

Solid Edge

Siemens Digital Industries Software is the developer behind Solid Edge, a robust and versatile 3D CAD modeling and design system that offers advanced mechanical design, simulation, manufacturing, and design management capabilities. Solid Edge is widely recognized for its broad range of applications, serving industries ranging from automotive to consumer products, machinery, and more.

For 3D design and modeling, Solid Edge provides a unique hybrid 2D/3D design system that enables a seamless transition from 2D drafting to 3D modeling. This flexibility allows designers to work in a manner that best fits their needs. Its synchronous technology brings ease to design modifications, allowing for faster revisions and more accurate models.

Solid Edge’s user interface is intuitive and customizable, in comparison to some of the other 3D modelling programs, it really does come down to personal preference in the end. Similar to other leading CAD systems, it provides hover-over tool tips and context-sensitive menus that guide users efficiently. Its ribbon interface layout is straightforward, and designers can easily access most commands through right-click context menus or keyboard shortcuts.

Integration is another area where Solid Edge excels, providing seamless connectivity between design, simulation, manufacturing, and data management. This integration ensures that all aspects of a product’s life cycle are interconnected, enhancing collaboration and efficiency. Its built-in simulation tools allow for stress, vibration, and thermal analysis, and its manufacturing tools support both traditional and additive manufacturing methods.

The community around Solid Edge is vibrant and active, with various online forums, video tutorials, and educational resources for both new and seasoned users. Siemens also offers access to the official Solid Edge online community, how-to videos, and strong customer support making it a favorite among engineers and designers alike.

Like SolidWorks and Inventor, Solid Edge is not classified as free CAD software. However, its widespread use across various engineering disciplines ensures that various options, such as trial versions or educational licenses, are available for those looking to experience the software.

Supported file formats

Solid Edge itself uses .par for part files, .psm for sheet metal part files, .asm for assembly files and .dft for drawing files.

Imports .dgn, .dxf, .dwg, .stp, .step, .igs, .iges, .x_b, .x_t, .prt, .sat, .plmpxk, .plmxml, .model, .catpart, .catproduct, .sldprt, .sldasm, .jt, .stl, .ipt and .iam.

Exports .bkm, .igs, .iges, .sat, .stp, .step, .stl, .x_b, .x_t, .plmxml, .model, .jt, .xgl, .catpart, .pdf, .u3d, .dgn, .dwg, .dxf, .par, .psm, .bmp, .jpg, .tif and .avi.

Operating system

SolidWorks is native to Microsoft Windows. Beware though, Windows Home Edition is not supported, your computer needs to be running on Windows 10/11 Enterprise or Professional Edition. There is no native alternative for Mac OS and Linux but it can be used there through Bootcamp or through a Virtual Manager.

Solid Edge also has a CAD Viewer for mobile devices.


Solid Edge offers a 30-day trial to its full version. Free access for a limited period to Solid Edge Electrical Design and Solid Edge Modular Plant Design is also possible but you’ll have to contact them via their website.

For Hobbyists and Students, Solid Edge is offering the Community Edition and Student Edition respectively. Solid Edge Community Edition has a license that never expires and is available to makers and hobbyists practicing their craft for personal satisfaction, not monetary gain. Solid Edge Student Edition is available to any active student and is intended for academic coursework. Be aware that files created in these editions cannot be opened in commercial versions of Solid Edge and 2D drawings are watermarked.

Early-stage startups in business for less than three years can apply to get Solid Edge for free. There are certain limits regarding the amount of funding and annual revenue though.

Similarly to SolidWorks, Solid Edge has quite a few different software packages to choose from. The price for the most basic version, Solid Edge Design & Drafting, is 1032 USD per year. Solid Edge Foundation, which adds sheet metal, frame generation, weldments and surface modeling, has a yearly cost of 2520 USD. The most popular Solid Edge version by far is Solid Edge Classic. It costs 3156 USD per year and has added features such as a standard parts library, generative design, and photo-realistic rendering to name a few. Solid Edge Premium adds advanced motion & stress simulation and electrical routing to the list and costs 4536 USD per year.

Monthly subscriptions are also available but then the prices will be around 20% higher, so getting a yearly subscription definitely has better value for money.

They actually offer free 2D CAD software on their website but since Solid Edge’s name is mostly associated with 3D CAD design, we’ve listed it under the 3D CAD software list in our article.

Free 2D CAD software

Although mechanical engineers work mostly with 3D software, 2D programs still have a place in the industry. These programs are especially suitable when making flat parts as this means that having 3D models doesn’t really have much of an edge anyway.

We have compiled a list of the best free CAD software for 2D drafting. It includes the following software.

  • QCAD
  • LibreCAD
  • AutoCAD


Open source CAD QCAD

QCAD is probably the best among free CAD programs for 2D drawings. It is a complete 2D CAD solution with a short learning curve and many advanced tools. The user interface is intuitive and quick to grasp. It can be learned without any prior CAD experience making it an ideal CAD software for beginners. It has support for both imperial as well as metric units. Some people prefer QCAD for graphic design as well.

The design intended to make QCAD a highly modular, extensible, and portable design software. The software is capable of creating detailed technical 2D drawings of building plans, interiors, mechanical parts, and schematics. It has a vast library with over 4800 CAD parts for construction and modification. To help navigate through these resources, QCAD has an active user community and tutorial videos on the internet.

Designers, analysts, engineers, and developers that use QCAD on different levels within manufacturing and construction are impressed with its benefit and value in their work. It is capable of creating complex 2D designs while needing a low amount of resources and having few requirements.

In addition to creating, the software can easily import and modify existing CAD files. Features such as print and layout are especially easy to use with QCAD. Another pro of using it is that it has excellent customer support. It is one of the best free CAD software to begin with if someone is seeking a professional edge over competitors in a short amount of time.

Supported file formats


Exports DXF, DWG, BMP, CXF, PDF, and SVG files.

Operating system

QCAD works flawlessly on Windows, MAC OS X, and Linux. Presently, it is not available as a web app or on any of the mobile platforms.


QCAD provides free CAD software as well as a free trial of the paid edition. The free version is a community edition that lacks some features compared to the paid alternative.

Its paid version is known as QCAD Professional. The difference between the free and the paid option can be seen here. The features marked in blue italic are available in the paid software only.

The paid software (QCAD Professional) costs USD 44.00 and can be purchased directly from the official website as well. It is a one-time licensee fee per user. No monthly or yearly fees. It is buy once, use forever. The updates are, however, limited to one-year post-purchase. After that, access to updates can be extended at a 30% discount. The Professional edition allows installation on multiple computers for a single user.

QCAD also offers a CAD/CAM application at a flat one-time payment of USD 118.00. It has all QCAD Professional features and CAM features such as G-code export and nesting module.

There are other packages available designed for educational institutions and organizations. All packages are available on the official QCAD website.


Free CAD drawing software LibreCAD

LibreCAD is an open-source 2D free CAD software. It started as a project with the intention to add CAM capabilities to the community edition of QCAD. Over time, more features were added that have now made it an appealing CAD software for beginners as well as advanced users. Today, LibreCAD is one of the best free 2D CAD software.

The LibreCAD UI is uncluttered and it is easy to locate features especially if you know your way around AutoCAD. It is simple yet intuitive. The interface is based on Qt5 for the LibreCAD 2.2.0 (Qt4 for LibreCAD 2.0.0) series which makes it a truly cross-platform application. It also makes LibreCAD’s appearance a highly customizable one while working the same way on different platforms.

The software can draw, dimension, add text, consult, modify, search, measure, and print 2D drawings. Each of these features can be considered in detail. In the program, the interface consists of the menu on the left, the drawing area in the centre, and the layers on the right which keep appearing as you create and order them. This is extremely useful as there is no need for commands or to search multiple menus when seeking the different drawing tools.

LibreCAD is completely free which can lead to the idea that it would be mediocre. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Some great features of this software are as follows:

  • Drawings support multiple layers
  • Variety of drawing and altering CAD tools that enable the digitisation of topographic outlines rapidly
  • Currently supports over 30 languages
  • Flexible internal plugin system to activate/deactivate features
  • Small size (27 Mb)
  • Auto-save feature
  • A large community of active users aids in finding tutorials and helps quickly

This design software offers features that are specific to paid CAD software at the unmatched price of free. It works great for 2D designs but can also create 3D footprint designs for your 3D modelling project.

Supported file formats

Imports DXF and DWG.

Exports DXF, DWG, SVG, LFF, CXF, PDF, JPEG, and PNG.

Operating system

LibreCAD works on Windows, MAC OS, and Linux without any issues.




AutoCAD is by far the most widely known of all CAD programs. Due to its many useful features and downloadable toolsets, it finds usage in architecture, engineering, construction, and design to create accurate 2D and 3D models.

A toolset contains features specific to an industry with object libraries that significantly expedite common design tasks. For instance, an architectural toolset may contain features such as auto-generation of a bill of materials and objects such as doors and windows. Some specialised toolsets that may be added to AutoCAD are as follows.

  • Architecture toolset
  • Electrical toolset
  • Map 3D toolset
  • Mechanical toolset
  • MEP toolset
  • Plant 3D toolset
  • Raster toolset

It also has an easy learning curve. Yes, there are many things to learn but it’s not difficult. For this reason, many engineering institutions adopt it into their curriculum. More often than not, AutoCAD is the first-ever CAD software that students start their CAD journey with.

AutoCAD is quite famous for its 2D drafting capabilities but it can also carry out 3D parametric modelling. However, the 3D modelling in it requires the use of 3D commands. These commands are lengthy and challenging for beginners and can be a source of confusion. For this reason, AutoCAD is not the preferred choice for 3D modelling in the industry. Hence, AutoCAD is included in the 2D CAD software in our list.


AutoCAD LT, on the other hand, is limited to 2D drafting and detailing. It does not support 3D modeling. This isn’t a limitation for a wide range of users though, as they are doing their 3D modelling elsewhere anyways. AutoCAD LT is considerably less expensive than the full version of AutoCAD. This price difference makes AutoCAD LT a more attractive option for individuals or small businesses that primarily deal with 2D drafting and do not require the advanced features of AutoCAD. This version is also less resource-intensive, meaning that it can run more efficiently on computers with lower specifications.

Several advanced features are unavailable in AutoCAD LT, such as the ability to attach and import data from PDF files, use point cloud data, and access advanced CAD tools for architects, electrical, mechanical, and civil engineering. AutoCAD LT also has limited customisation capabilities, primarily because it does not support various programming interfaces, such as LISP, VBA, .NET, and ObjectARX. For larger organisations, the complete version often provides more flexible networking and licensing options compared to AutoCAD LT.

If 3D design, advanced customization, and complex modeling are essential, AutoCAD is the more suitable option. However, for users focused on 2D drafting without needing the advanced features of AutoCAD, AutoCAD LT offers a more cost-effective solution.

Supported file formats

With AutoCAD, it is easy to import files from many other CAD programs such as CATIA, Rhino, SolidWorks, and IGES. Similarly, AutoCAD files can be exported to these programs just as easily. AutoCAD permits the import of many different file formats such as DXF, OBJ, STL, Revit, DWF Markup, and IDF.

Operating system

AutoCAD 2023 and 2024 work with Windows (Windows 11 or Windows 10 version 1809) as well as Mac OS. Besides, users can now access AutoCAD as a web app as well as a mobile app. The AutoCAD mobile app works on Android and also on iOS.


AutoCAD provides a free trial of 30 days. This trial includes complete software features with all the abovementioned toolsets as well as web and mobile app support. Each trial must, however, be downloaded separately.

Students and teachers can get up to one year of full educational access to AutoCAD which can be renewed as long as one is eligible. The projects created through this educational version cannot be used for commercial purposes though.

After the 30-day trial period ends, AutoCAD is available at the following subscription rates:

Monthly: 255 USD

Annually: 2030 USD

3-yearly: 6090 USD (If you wish to lock in your price for a longer period)

AutoCAD LT is available at the following subscription rates (the trial period is 30 days as with the full version):

Monthly: 65 USD

Annually: 505 USD

3-yearly: 1515 USD


The many advantages of CAD software make it a must-have for everyone working on engineering projects. The best CAD software offers advanced features, a slick user interface, possibilities to easily modify any features, etc. But even experienced users probably make use of only about 10% of all the highly specific features built into the software.

So even though the listed best free CAD software options may seem inferior at first glance, they are still powerful and also provide many of the advanced tools of their high-priced counterparts.

If you’re in fear of missing out on the additional features of the very best CAD software, make use of the free trials listed in this article. For those who are looking to further elevate their projects with professional expertise, consider hiring a skilled CAD designer.

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Advantages of CAD & Why Every Engineer Should Be Using It Tue, 01 Aug 2023 12:00:33 +0000 CAD is an acronym for Computer-Aided Design. It refers to the method of using computer software to create virtual models of proposed products. There is a variety of CAD software […]

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CAD is an acronym for Computer-Aided Design. It refers to the method of using computer software to create virtual models of proposed products. There is a variety of CAD software available, each with special features that sometimes make the suitable for a particular application.

Capabilities of CAD

The design of a product must be ready down to the last detail before putting it into production. This ensures that no setbacks through necessary changes to the product can occur afterwards.

Traditionally, doing this required manual drawing and designing using paper and pencil. Today, using CAD systems significantly reduces the amount of work. Creating 3D models and 2D drawings is faster and easier than ever before.

Although the projects can vary greatly, many of them still use a plethora of standard parts. For example, bolts, nuts, washers and other fasteners belong to the list of components when creating any kind of machinery.

In such cases, engineers can turn to part libraries to just pick the most suitable size for the application and use it in the assembly. This reduces time spent on creating small parts while making sure that less easy mistakes happen due to not displaying them in the model at all.

Rendered image of a vehicle
Rendered image

The parts and assemblies can be created, analysed, improved and shared with others in CAD. You can apply colours, look at different angles and create rendered images for a life-like experience. This is especially common for displaying visuals for future products.

You can separate a large assembly into parts or display a predefined layer at a time. Many CAD programs have the essential tools of finite element analysis software. This helps to test the parts for force-bearing capabilities and dynamic loads.

Thus, a CAD system is much more than a replacement for manual drawings. It brings about a whole new level of possibilities that engineers can utilise for creating better products faster with fewer mistakes.

These values also align well with lean manufacturing methods and their principles of minimising waste and maximising productivity.

Advantages of CAD

CAD has a variety of advantages over manual drawings that have made it absolutely essential in the design market today. Let’s take a look at how they help the contemporary engineer or product designer.

Saves Time

The ongoing era of product development entails a lot of competition. The time it takes to bring a product to market can be essential to its success. 

With CAD software, time is our lucrative reward. It saves the engineer a lot of work that can be put to good use on different projects or perfecting the design of the ongoing one. You can easily visualise the ideas you gathered during the product design concept generation phase.

Creating simple shapes and parts takes seconds. The biggest win, though, comes with more complex parts. For example, you can create a flat pattern of an intricate bent sheet metal part with a click of a mouse. No need to contemplate how to present it correctly.

At the same time, making changes is really easy. Or creating new models based on previous ones. You can just re-use a 3D model and add the necessary features to create a similar but unique part in a lot less time.

Increases Productivity

Time saved translates directly into augmented productivity. The same amount of time can result in a higher number of completed projects.

The repeatability of design is an option. Modifying the same design is possible to make infinite variations of the final product.

On average, a 3x increase in employee productivity is noticed. With time, this productivity can approach 10x. A large part of it comes down to the ability to create simulations in CAD rather than doing manual calculations.

This improvement is seen on multiple fronts like quality, time, and cost reduction in manufacturing.

Improves Accuracy

Manual sketching cannot measure up to the accuracy of CAD drawings. CAD design’s accuracy is unparalleled with almost no errors.  This gives it a huge advantage over manual designing and drafting.

Of course, the designer must still pay attention to the outcome. The “retrieve dimensions” function does not replace an engineer, as it does not recognise the base planes for measurements, for example. And this can be crucial with parts like shafts.

Complex surfaces and shapes can be created comparatively easily in CAD. These surfaces are extremely difficult to get right with manual sketching but with CAD systems’ tools, a perfect result can be obtained.

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Decreases Errors

Features such as interference checking (which also belongs to our list of engineering tips) for 3D models offer advantages unique to CAD systems. This feature helps the designer check for interferences between one or more parts. 

The result? A lot less errors in the final product.

Interferences of CAD models
An easy way to reduce errors

It is easy to change the size of a pin, go for a coffee, and later forget to reduce the size of the hole accordingly. We can now make sure that the pin will at least fit into the whole by using this function of the CAD system.

Depending on the CAD program, these changes could be automatic as well. Change the size of the pin and the hole size changes accordingly, the correct dimensions can even be reflected in the 2D drawings.

Better Quality

It goes without saying that design software can generate aesthetically pleasing drawings besides having added functionality. It also provides the user with a vast number of tools to create the drawing just as imagined.

CAD drawing with dimensions
Retrieve dimensions quickly

Even the trickiest of products can be created with the right knowledge of available tools and the required mathematical equations. This versatility permits the designer to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions without the fear of not being able to put the idea on paper.

Higher legibility and fewer errors in drawings also result in better quality and more accurate final products.

Ease of Understanding

The availability of 3D models to accompany drawings can make even the most difficult drawings easy to comprehend. This cannot be done in physical sketches as a minimum of three sketches (plan, elevation, and side view) would be required to get a general idea. Other views such as isometric or section views may also come into the picture.

While CAD is perfectly capable of displaying the above views of a product, nothing beats being able to play around with the product in the virtual space to understand its exact configurations. Many workshops today use this possibility by giving machine operators and assemblers tablet computers to make the work easier. 

CAD models also make it easier for designers to showcase their products to fellow designers as well as laymen who have no foundation in engineering. These impressive digital representations of the product can be used for marketing and sales without the need for an actual prototype when using the concurrent engineering process, whereby departments at the latter end of the whole product development process start working simultaneously while work is still being done at the first steps.

Quick Sharing for Collaboration

CAD drawings, being digital files, are easy to share among team members who are working on the same product. No bulky drawings need to be transported. Sharing is instantaneous. Thus, even remote employees can stay in the loop about new developments regarding the project without any issues.

With high-speed internet becoming an ordinary facility, CAD programs are now being used on the cloud. Thus, the sketch remains accessible at all times to specified team members for easy review and modification. This is a great advantage for companies that have multiple field offices spread across the globe.

CAD-generated models also have standardised formats. This provides uniformity in design tools and symbols and allows different users to work on the same project without any hurdles.

Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)

Creating CAD or CAE (Computer-Aided Engineering) models also helps to put parts into production much faster. CAD-CAM software makes it easy to check the tool paths for CNC machining and feed the files to the machines. Calculating CNC machining prices take cycle times into account and using CAM systems makes it much easier and faster.

Such software creates the necessary machine code for production just based on the model. The biggest advantage is evident for CNC machining services where the whole otherwise difficult process can be largely automated, including the change of tools. 

Integration with ERP

Being able to use CAD/CAM also allows engineers to incorporate the files into an ERP system. ERP is an acronym for Enterprise Resource Planning.

In manufacturing, ERP is used to enhance the efficiency of any process. ERP software helps integrate and regulate different facets of a project so that less time is required to go from raw materials to finished products.

Benefits of Automation

The solution to minimising project lead time is to automate all recurring processes in the design stage. CAD usage cuts down a lot of grunt work that is a part of manual sketching, without affecting the quality.

For instance, companies offering custom products have the increased pressure of creating proposal documents and drawings as fast as possible. Best guess costings are expected for orders that are not guaranteed. Engineering and procurement departments’ resources are wasted on tasks that can be automated. By incorporating automation into procurement processes, more time is available to innovate and add value to the product.

One such way is to get automated production quotes from cloud manufacturing service providers. This significantly reduces the time spent on procurement processes and gives a price instantly based on CAD models. This way engineers can, in turn, quote their own clients. Such speed can often win a job.

Through CAD software, different parts of the same product can be created separately and combined in the final stage. These individual parts are saved and are available for reuse later. It can also automatically generate detailed drawings and bills of materials for the manufacturer.

These features increase throughput, reduce errors, and improve quality allowing you to take on more business at any given moment.

Choosing CAD Software

Solidworks UI
Solidworks – a common tool for engineers

There are many types of CAD programs out there. The most popular one is probably SolidWorks, with Inventor and Solid Edge following closely behind.

The price per seat can be quite costly, though. All the aforementioned programs have a lot of history, meaning countless hours dedicated to product development. And this reflects on the price. At the same time, they do provide a lot of different tools for a professional engineer to help them on all sides of a project.

When you are just coming into the space and looking to dip your feet into the water, we would suggest looking into free CAD software. These programs are less flexible but the functionality is more than enough to start learning.


Sketching still has a place in the design and manufacturing industry. Many designers start with a rough manual draft of the product before moving on to CAD. But when it comes to modern product modelling, sketching just doesn’t cut it anymore.

Computer-Aided Design has ushered in an era of professional design that is so lithe, quick, and wholesome that it cannot be overlooked anymore. To avoid using CAD software in this time and age is akin to swimming against the tide and therefore, a profit-seeking venture can’t afford to lose out on the benefits of CAD.

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What is Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)? Thu, 15 Apr 2021 10:27:08 +0000 Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) is a type of manufacturing method that uses computer software and automatable machinery to create products with a high degree of accuracy and precision. Modern machines and […]

The post What is Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)? appeared first on Fractory.

Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) is a type of manufacturing method that uses computer software and automatable machinery to create products with a high degree of accuracy and precision. Modern machines and software technologies have enabled us to create better parts with increasingly more control over the entire process.

A CAM tool uses a product model created in CAD software. The former converts the computer models into a language understood by the machining tool and undertakes the production.

CAM can also help manufacturers with product planning, development, management, storage and logistics.

The foremost objective of CAM is to either create new or improve upon existing manufacturing setups to boost efficiency and reduce wastage. It does so by expediting the manufacturing process and tooling, and reducing energy requirements. The final results have a high degree of consistency, quality, and accuracy.

Manufacturing Processes Automated by CAM

We can control a variety of processes with CAM systems. These processes are carried out by means of CNC machines (Computer Numerical Control). These machines follow their supplied G codes and M codes to machine a workpiece. CAM can automate the following processes.


CAM can automate the milling of workpieces in applications where there is a need for subtractive manufacturing. Through CAM, the machinists can accurately remove excess material from workpiece blocks.

The use of CAM with CNC machining enables using the data for quick quotes on machining jobs.


The turning process removes excess material from a workpiece by rotating it against the machine tool. CNC lathe machines are very efficient when creating the right order of procedures for creating the final product.

These machines are also capable of other processes such as carving threads, knurling, chamfering, facing, etc.

Waterjet, laser and plasma cutting

CNC waterjet cutting

CNC can automate the different types of cutting machines to carve workpieces with phenomenal accuracy. They can also engrave workpieces as and when needed. Plasma cutting is useful for conductive materials such as metals.

Electrical discharge machines

Electrical discharge machines create parts by propagating an electric spark through them. These sparks reach extremely high temperatures enabling them to cut through any material quite easily. With CAM, we can control these sparks to cut the workpiece with a high degree of precision.

CNC routers

CNC routers use similar working logic to milling machines, removing excess material from a workpiece. They can perform a variety of carpentry operations on various materials such as wood, composites, steel, glass and plastic via CNC.

3D printing

CAM can also control additive manufacturing processes such as 3D printing effectively. With this process, CAM can manufacture virtually any shape by depositing layer upon layer of compatible materials until the desired shape is ready.

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Advantages & Disadvantages of CAM

The introduction of CAM was a turning point in the manufacturing industry. It transfigured the manufacturing industry in many ways. CAM ushered in the era of flexible automation as opposed to the traditional fixed automation systems.

The modifications in a manufacturing process were easier and faster to perform. It had several other features that added immense value to a manufacturing setup. Let’s look at some of the advantages that CAM systems provide to manufacturers.

Advantages of Computer-Aided Manufacturing

Fast and accurate

Computer-aided manufacturing can significantly speed up the manufacturing process. All this without compromising on accuracy. This makes CAM highly consistent and reliable. CAM machines can be programmed to create the same product repeatedly with unmatched precision. Single prototype manufacturing is accurate and fast as well.

Reduces wastage

CAM usage reduces the amount of wastage that normally takes place in manual machining. Since there is a small chance of error, a higher number of products are made from the same amount of raw material. This type of increased productivity adds up over time. The manufacturer can now either increase his profit or set competitive pricing or even do both.

Reduced labour costs

CAM can save labour costs by automating most of the manufacturing process. Skilled labour will still be needed to operate, maintain, repair CAM machines but the number of employees will be far less than without CAM.

Another reason for reduced labour costs is the versatility of the CAM machines. These machines are compatible with many different manufacturing processes eliminating the need for specialized labour when switching manufacturing processes.

Increased control over manufacturing

The introduction of CAM in a machine shop increases the amount of control the manufacturer has over the entire process. Through a feature called the CAM tree, a manufacturing process can be tracked from start to end. It provides the manufacturer with control over many features such as stock, tooling, material, work coordinates and post-processing.

CAM can also save machining templates for future use, reorder job sequence, and copy/paste machining operations. Any modifications in the part can be carried out easily without the need to reprogram machinery. Toolpath associativity ensures that when such modifications are made, the toolpaths get updated.

Disadvantages of Computer-Aided Manufacturing

While CAM provides many benefits, it is not without its limitations. These are:


One of the primary deterrents when it comes to CAM systems is the high cost of installation and maintenance. The hardware is expensive and so is the software, making the upfront costs high.

CAM uses highly advanced components that are pricier than their manual counterparts. They also cost more in terms of computer processing power, preventive maintenance, and breakdown repair of CAM machines.

Such a huge instalment can be a hurdle for small setups. However, many CAM software have now started adopting a subscription-based model instead of a one-time purchase. This has reduced the upfront costs and lowered the entry barrier as a result.

Skilled labour

CNC machine operator

CAM tools have a wide scope. They are difficult to learn for new users. Computer-aided manufacturing setups require skilled employees with a good understanding of the CAM systems at hand.

The systems can vary from company to company and the employees need to be taught the use and capabilities of the local system. They may also need training on how to troubleshoot problems in CAM machinery.

This training may require constant updates as systems gain new features and capabilities. This sort of training and practice is expensive and may put a burden on the facility.

Technology failure

While the chances are low, computer errors are possible. Another possibility is the breakdown of CAM machines. CAM work can stop very easily if the machines break down as there may be no alternatives to start manual production.

This is especially harmful in assembly line setups as CAM work stoppage at one workstation can cause halts at all other points until the problem is rectified.


While the efficient use of CAM can significantly reduce wastage, it does not guarantee minimal leftovers. A lot of it comes down to product design. If the product models are not optimal, it may actually cause the wastage of expensive resources.

By the time it becomes apparent, it may be too late, especially in the case of materials that cannot be recycled such as styrofoam, ceramic, and some types of plastics.

Disposal or recycling of waste products will require additional time and resources.

Computer-Aided Manufacturing Applications in Industries

CAM finds use in so many different industries that it’s probably easier to name the ones that don’t use it. The introduction of IT, electronics, and computer-based automation processes was the beginning of the third industrial revolution. Due to its incredible benefits, numerical control soon took over manufacturing.

Let’s take a look at some of the industries that CAM revolutionised completely.

Aerospace Industry

This industry is involved in the design, manufacture, testing, and maintenance of aircraft that may fly within or even outside the Earth’s atmosphere. There are many risks in this industry to human life and property, and hence, it is highly regulated.

Aircraft need accurate parts that perform as designed. They also need to pass many tests. This requires consistency and quality in aircraft parts. As a result, manual machining does not provide up-to-par results.

Many free-form surfaces with complex geometries are a requirement for aesthetic and functional reasons. Quite often, these parts will be made from uncommon materials that have characteristics very different from everyday engineering metals.

Computer-aided manufacturing provides the perfect solution for all the above challenges. Its flexibility, accuracy, and speed help us create these masterpieces while staying within budget.

Automotive industry

The automotive industry today is the most advanced and demanding industry second only to the aerospace industry. Strict regulations govern the automotive industry also from safety to pollution. The manufacturers keep experimenting with new materials, designs and methods to obtain the best value for money.

Computer-aided manufacturing has proved extremely useful for manufacturers right from the concept phase to the launch phase. CAM can manufacture innovative products armed with features such as tool-axis definitions, surfacing, and polygon mesh.

CAM software can provide a set of focused toolpaths and modelling options to create complex shapes within short spans of time while completely integrating them with concepts such as lean manufacturing and Just-in-Time manufacturing.

Computer-aided manufacturing can significantly reduce cost, wastage, lead times, and errors. It improves accuracy, surface finish, consistency, and manufacturing speed. These features make CAM an indispensable part of the automotive industry.

Other Industries

Besides the examples above, CAM finds many applications in industries such as computer and smartphone hardware manufacturing, biomedical devices, the pharmaceutical industry, and so on.

In short, almost all modern-day mass manufacturing setups apply computer-aided manufacturing to increase productivity. As CAM automates pretty much all the main processes already, there is little possibility of any large-scale production while avoiding the computerised nature of contemporary manufacturing technology.


An important step that precedes computer-aided manufacturing is computer-aided design (CAD). Using CAD, designers can create, modify, and analyse product designs. It can also check the functionality and application of these designs.

The difference between CAD and CAM is distinct, but this topic can be a source of confusion for many people. This is because, besides the differences, they have many similarities.

In simple terms, CAD is concerned with the designing and drafting part of a product whereas CAM is concerned with the manufacturing aspect. The engineering design created in CAD is translated into machine language (usually G-codes and M-codes) and then fed to the CNC-powered machines. Following the code, the machine instructs machine tools to carry out the machining as needed.

CAD/CAM tools consist of different components. CAD tools are only computer and CAD software. With the two of them, a graphic artist/technician/designer can effectively create a drawing. This drawing can then be viewed as an orthographic or an isometric view. Various operations can be performed to improve the drawing’s readability.

CAM tools consist of a computer, a CAM software package, and a CAM machine for the machining process. A CAM machine may be, for example, a three or a five-axis control machining centre.

CAD to CAM process

It is quite evident that the process begins with CAD and then reaches the computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) stage. But there’s more to it than that. The limitations of CAM machines are important factors that designers must consider at the design stage itself.

Let’s see the sequence of events that takes place in the design and manufacture of components through computer-aided design and manufacturing.

Design process

This is the first stage known as the design process. In this process, the designer creates the models in CAD software. The focus is on the functionality, manufacturability, and aesthetics of the part. CAD can create extremely complex designs but if it can’t be manufactured by the CAM systems at hand, it is of no use.

The designer creates a 2D or 3D design in CAD software. These designs are known as CAD models. The properties of the product’s material will determine the extent of complexity in the design.

Creating coordinates

In this stage, the designer processes the model into coordinates. Assigning the coordinates to our source models enables us to use the software’s coordinate transformation features.

Manufacturing simulation

CAM simulation
CAM simulation

At this stage, the designer performs a production simulation to gauge the feasibility of the model with respect to the setup’s manufacturing capabilities. The integration of the model’s structure and graphics with the manufacturing files brings out any hidden errors in the model and permits us to correct them.

This means that any model inconsistencies are straightened out at the development stage before the production begins.

We simulate the production cycle as accurately as possible to get a clear picture of the completed production setup. This also provides a roadmap for specialists at all stages of production.

Creating the code

Creating code for CNC fabrication
Creating code for CNC fabrication

When the modelling stage is complete, we move on to computer-aided manufacturing. The final model with the design data is exported from the CAD software to CAM software. Software with both CAD and CAM capabilities do not need the export and import of drawings.

After the import is complete, the software starts creating the code for CNC machining. CNC machining refers to the task of computer-controlled machining by cutting, turning, drilling, boring, and milling the raw workpiece into a finished part.

The code for machining is created after examining several factors such as:

  • Geometrical consistency
  • Creation of toolpaths
  • Appropriate parameter selection
  • Nesting, etc.

Geometrical consistency

The software scans the computer model for any geometrical errors, especially ones that will affect the manufacturing process.

Creation of toolpaths

The manufacturing software creates optimum tool path designs. Toolpath designs refer to the route the machine tool will follow during the manufacturing process.

Appropriate parameter selection

The machining software then selects the suitable parameters for the manufacturing process depending on the machining requirements. Parameters such as cutting speed, depth of cut, feed, voltage, coolant flow are selected to strike the right balance between the machining speed and the surface finish.


Computer-aided manufacturing software then finds the best arrangement for the workpiece to complete the machining in a short time while maintaining the setup’s efficiency for material usage.

Setup & production

This step focuses on the CNC machine setup. The startup and functioning of a CNC machine involve many actions that must be performed in a certain sequence. The machinists must perform tasks such as pre-start, tool loading, loading of CNC program, dry run and program run.

Once this step is complete, we have the final product in hand for inspection.

Quality control

The next step in line is quality control. The finished product must pass quality tests before approaching the next station in the assembly line. The steps that follow quality control are part assembly and application of varnishes/finishes before they can be shipped to the client/consumer.

Popular CAD/CAM tools

There are a number of tools available in the market for designing and manufacturing purposes. Some of them offer CAD, some offer just CAM, while some software combines CAD and CAM. A list of popular computer-aided manufacturing tools is as follows.

  • Fusion 360
  • Solidworks CAM
  • Solid Edge CAM Pro

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Topology Optimisation Tue, 03 Nov 2020 15:08:06 +0000 In recent years, many computer-aided methods have been developed to find the most optimum design for a problem. These intelligent techniques have allowed engineers to create designs that were beyond […]

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In recent years, many computer-aided methods have been developed to find the most optimum design for a problem. These intelligent techniques have allowed engineers to create designs that were beyond what we could come up with manually. One of these methods is topology optimisation.

Topology optimisation (TO) is a computer-based design method used for creating efficient designs today. Fields such as aerospace, civil engineering, bio-chemical and mechanical engineering use this method proactively to create innovative design solutions that will outperform manual designs.

What Is Topology Optimisation?

Metal part in CAD
The starting point

Topology optimisation is a mathematical method used at the concept level of design development. The aim of this method is to spread the amount of material present more effectively over the model. It takes into account the boundaries set by the designer, applied load, and space limitations to create a design.

In simple terms, topology optimisation takes a 3D model and creates a design space. It then removes or displaces material within it to make the design more efficient. While carrying out the material distribution, the objective function does not take aesthetics or the ease of manufacturing into account. 

Topology optimised part
Part after topology optimisation – the placement of holes was determined along with a load

At the very least, the method needs us to provide the magnitude of loading and the constraints within which it should operate. Using this information, the optimisation algorithm creates a possible load path using the minimum amount of material. 

Once a design is finalised, we use additive (and sometimes subtractive) manufacturing methods to produce the part. As the name suggests, in additive manufacturing (here on out referred to as AM), the material is added (e.g. 3D printing) bit by bit until the final model is complete. 

AM is capable of creating complex shapes and structures that may be extremely difficult to create using other methods. This is why we prefer it for creating complex products that emerge after optimisation.

Optimised part for production
Part after final touches for manufacturing

Sometimes, however, the design suggested by topology optimisation is too complex even for AM. In such situations, we make small changes to the design to improve its manufacturability.

How Does It Work?

Topology optimisation is carried out on an already existing model. We can choose to optimise an entire component or elements of it. This area of focus is known as the design space. 

Topology optimisation uses finite element analysis (FEA) to create a simple mesh of the design space. The mesh is analysed for stress distribution and strain energy. This informs the system about the amount of loading the different sections are handling.

While some sections will have optimal material distribution, there will be some that could use trimming. Sections with low strain energy and stress level are marked using the finite element method. Once all the inefficient sections within the design space are identified, the objective function gradually removes the material.

During this trimming process, the system will also check how much the overall structure is affected by the removal process. If the removal process compromises its integrity, the process stops and the material in that region is retained.

Before running the TO algorithm, we set the amount of material we intend to remove as a percentage of the total material. For example, we may set the target material reduction percentage at 50%.

The system removes the excess material in stages. At every stage, it checks the structure for stress levels by reiterating the element distribution until it reaches the target percentage.

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Topology optimisation improves upon several challenges at a time. Let’s see what advantages TO has to offer.

Create cost and weight-effective solutions

The most attractive benefit of topology optimisation is its ability to reduce any unnecessary weight. Size optimisation means that less raw material is needed.

Extra weight also negatively impacts energy efficiency. Parts will cost more for shipping as well. All these advantages translate directly into actual cost savings which is important in a competitive market.

A great example is how General Electric used TO to reduce the weight of an engine bracket by 84%. This modification in a small part saved the airlines nearly $31 million dollars by improving the overall energy efficiency.

A faster design process

As design constraints and performance expectations are factored in at the early stages of conception, it does not take as much time as without TO to come up with the final design.

A faster process also means a shorter time-to-market duration which is especially important for new products in a competitive market. 


Topology optimisation prevents undue material wastage. The algorithm is capable of creating sustainable building systems while still being rooted in sound structural logic. Also, as mentioned earlier, topologically optimised products save fuel through weight reduction.

As the demand for sustainable alternatives increases, more and more industries in the manufacturing sector are employing TO due to its environmentally friendly nature.


There are some topology optimisation problems that we must know about in order to use it effectively. Let us see what they are.

Production limitations

The designs that TO comes up with can be difficult to manufacture. Given that AM is quite flexible in terms of what it can manufacture, it is still necessary to check for manufacturability prior to finalising the design. 

If we try to solve the topology optimisation problem thinking only about the function, it is possible that we may fall short when it comes to our build quality and efficiency.

It is worth noting here that a few software vendors offer a feature called manufacturing constraints for TO. Thus, it is possible to create parts that are only manufacturable using conventional methods.

High cost

Lately, the cost of AM has reduced but it is still a notch above traditional production methods. We need to consider the cost to benefit ratio on a case by case basis. 

For mass production, creating injection moulds is a possibility. Therefore, we can look further than 3D printing for creating plastic parts.

For making a few components on and off, AM could prove expensive which is a deterrent in most cases as the investment is too high. In such cases, it will be more beneficial to outsource the production to a 3D printing service company.

Applications of Topology Optimisation

Many industries are now looking towards advanced design methods like topology optimisation and generative design. Although the production of parts may be costlier, there are important advantages on offer.

Aerospace, medical and automotive industries are some of the ones looking for assist from these mathematical modelling methods.


Air travel is costly. Since the very beginning, attempts have been made to reduce the mass of an aircraft as far as possible without compromising its strength.

Topology optimisation helps analyse aircraft components in detail to chop off unnecessary component mass. This means an aircraft can carry more cargo (or use less fuel) on the same journey.

The same benefits apply to satellites and rockets. This mathematical method helps reduce support structures and create lighter parts while retaining their original strength.


In the medical field, topology optimisation creates highly efficient implants and prosthetics. Using the algorithm, we can create parts that imitate the bone density and stiffness of the patient. It further takes into account the patient’s anatomy and the designed part’s activity level and the load applied. 

The optimisation improves the part’s endurance limit. Where feasible, the algorithm will replace the solid structure with a lattice. This reduction in weight is a welcomed benefit for implants/prosthetics.


Some automobile makers are now using topology optimisation for designing structural (chassis) as well as machinery components. This technology has helped in reducing the mass of the body skeleton while maintaining (and even improving in some cases) the overall strength of the initial product.

Now, in addition to composites and adhesives, steel is finding more applications due to the possibility of creating complex lattice structures using AM.

Manufacturing Methods

Topology shape optimisation can create complex structures that have the best stiffness-to-weight ratio while using minimum material. They may be manufactured using additive as well as subtractive manufacturing processes.

AM does give a large amount of freedom to the designer but where flat products are concerned, advanced subtractive manufacturing methods can create parts with complex geometry just as effectively.

Each method will impose different manufacturing constraints on the topology and geometry of elements and how the production process will go about with its creation. Some excellent methods that can manufacture these innovative solutions are:

3D printing

3D printing has been instrumental in bringing topology optimisation to the limelight. Without additive processes, it is nearly impossible to create complex structures designed by many other optimisation techniques, especially generative design, in addition to TO.

3D printing offers a fast and efficient way to create topologically optimised products with little to no wastage. There are many advantages to 3D printing and very few limitations. Among the limits of 3D printing is that only a handful of metals can be used with it as it was originally designed for plastics.

CNC machining

As the use of topology optimisation became widespread, efforts were made to add features to computer programs that allow traditional production methods to create these components. 

As TO creates hollow structures with support structures of non-uniform thickness, it is difficult to use CNC machining for intricate components. But for models where the visual capacity overlaps with Vmap (Visibility map) completely, the part is manufacturable with CNC. 

Visibility is a concept defined in production to understand the capacity of a particular process to create a certain part. In practical processes, a part is said to be visible if no points on its surface are hidden from the process directions. Needless to say, a 5-axis CNC machine will be able to manufacture products of greater difficulty than a 3-axis CNC machine.

Laser cutting

Laser machining can also work as a production process for topology optimised products. This method is capable of cutting intricate shapes with enviable accuracy.

Laser cutting can be used on several different materials (metals, wood, acrylic, MDF) making it more useful when subtractive manufacturing is possible for a TO part.

Topology Optimisation Software

There are over 30 software products available in the market for topology optimisation which come with their own tradeoffs. Some programs are more popular than others for their holistic approach to the technique. Let’s take a look at some of them.

Ansys Mechanical

<yoastmark class='yoast-text-mark'>Ansys topology optimisation</yoastmark>
Ansys topology optimisation

Ansys creates design solutions for multiphysics engineering simulation. The Ansys Mechanical software comes preloaded with structural topology optimization features. This program can analyse and optimise simple as well as complex design spaces and make corrections where needed.

It comes with features such as:

  • Modal analysis of multiple static loads. 
  • Control options for setting minimum material thickness. 
  • Ability to work with planar and cyclic symmetry. 
  • Easy validation of results.

Altair Inspire

Altiar Inspire
Altiar Inspire

Altair’s Inspire is a powerful tool when it comes to topology optimisation. It also features added capabilities such as generative design and rapid prototyping.

The program is easy to master and provides important features such as:

  • Capable of generating mixed support structures having solid as well as lattice geometry. These files can be observed in 3D and can be sent directly to a 3D printer for production. 
  • Ability to interact and assign new loads to the structure besides being capable of running predetermined loads that can be imported/exported for analysis.
  • Ability to reduce overhangs to encourage more self-supported structures. 


<yoastmark class='yoast-text-mark'>Solidworks</yoastmark> TO
Solidworks TO

Solidworks added topology optimisation features in its 2018 update. This is a widely used computer program for CAD applications and the introduction of TO has been quite smooth and efficient.

Solidworks also uses the subtractive method where it chisels away material to reduce mass and improve stress distribution.

The distinct features of the Solidworks TO module are as follows:

  • Ability to bring optimized designs into a CAD environment using multiple methods.
  • The availability of various partner products.


Advances in AM have enabled us to create extremely complex shapes with relative ease. To take full advantage of these leaps in production capabilities, we need technologies like topology optimisation.

TO is great at optimising designed solutions. Sometimes, it can feel a bit out of control especially if you are still learning the ropes. However, there are many factors that can be controlled to shift the model toward a more favourable outcome.

Some of these controls include restricting member size in design space, demanding symmetry about planes, or extrudability of the final model. You can also manipulate the material removal percentage to control the alacrity the algorithm will optimise the part with.

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Generative Design – the Future of Engineering? Thu, 15 Oct 2020 12:52:03 +0000 The image above depicts a drone frame created using generative design. This helps to reduce the weight of the structure by minimising material use while conforming to the engineering inputs. […]

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The image above depicts a drone frame created using generative design. This helps to reduce the weight of the structure by minimising material use while conforming to the engineering inputs.

So, what is generative design?

It is an iterative method for designing new products using the help of CAD software features. These features automatically create a large number of design possibilities when specific data is provided as input. The inputs form the constraints within which the design should perform.

These designs are not invented by AI. They are actually human designs that are refined using artificial intelligence and machine learning.

For example, if we need to create possible designs for a dining table, we need to provide data such as the length, breadth, and height we expect it to be and the load we need it to support.

The generative design program will create a large number of iterations for us which we can fine-tune further as per our preferences. Each iteration can have hundreds of designs within it.

Design Process Using Generative Design

Generative design is gradually transforming the design sector. It helps the designer generate thousands of possible design solutions which would take months to accomplish manually.

Generative Design Principles
Generative Design Principles

There are six common steps to be followed when it comes to creating the perfect design using the various generative design software available in the market today. The six steps are:

Step 1: Problem Definition

In this stage, the project at hand is defined roughly and objectives are laid down. A clear idea of the attributes of the final product is established between the designer and the client by asking questions such as:

  • What are we designing?
  • What must/must not be present in the final design?
  • What are the design parameters and their range?
  • What conditions would decide if the project is a success or a failure?

The questionnaire for the design problem must be as exhaustive and the answers as accurate as possible to generate the most relevant design. This step is extremely important for the generative design process as the program will not consider goals that we do not describe when generating models.

Step 2: Data Collection and Entry

Once we have established the problem definition, it is time to move on to collecting the data that the program needs to create our model. This data is collected in at least 2 main phases.

In the first phase, we collect the data needed for model generation and in the second phase, we define the parameters that will be used to evaluate our model.

When it comes to data for model generation, we define both project requirements and as well as constraints. For model evaluation, we define parameters to measure and analyse the model. Defining evaluation data helps the program optimise our solutions. Insufficiently defined data will provide us with many irrelevant solutions besides the relevant ones.

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Step 3: Model Generation

Post data entry, we move into the model generation phase. When executed, the program will generate possible solutions that are in line with our defined requirements and constraints.

The generated models are separated into different groups called iterations. Each iteration can contain hundreds of design alternatives.

Step 4: Model Evaluation

Once we have the model ready, the created iterations are checked against initially defined evaluation parameters. The generated designs are also ranked according to how close they are to our requirements.

For example, if we defined the product as a table that has the maximum surface area with the least amount of material, the solution with the maximum surface area will rank higher compared to the ones with less than the maximum surface area. This ranking helps us filter the hundreds of generated designs based on what matters more to us from the defined parameters.

We could select, for example, the cost as our primary filter, and the software would arrange the iterations based on how much they would cost in an increasing/decreasing order.

It is, therefore, recommended to add as many evaluation parameters as possible at the beginning. This may sound counterintuitive as it may limit the number of generated solutions but the generated designs will be much closer to our actual expectations and easier to choose from.

Step 5: Model Evolution

In the model evolution stage, we narrow down our generated design options to filter out non-ideal solutions.

The software sorts through the iterations to choose the most relevant ones and bases new designs on them. The search metrics may have to be customised to find the best design for our needs.

Step 6: Model Selection and Further Refinement

Generative design shelf bracket
A shelf bracket made using generative design

Once we have selected the few designs that are most relevant to us from the design options presented by the software, it is time to further refine them.

Using the same software, the designer makes manual improvements to the top picks. The final design must meet all the predefined criteria and then we can get the client’s approval to complete the design process.

Suitable Manufacturing Methods

While generative design is still not as common as it should be, many popular CAD software have already added this amazing feature.

The iterative designs are usually pretty complex. Still, it is possible to choose the preferred production method during the design phase, so the software will take this into account when generating the possibilities.

So let’s look at the different methods available to create these parts that often come with a multitude of cutouts to optimise the weight.


Casting is one way to create quite complex shapes as one part, without any welding. So it fits the bill pretty well here.

The cast itself could, for example, be 3D printed depending on the printing as well as the part material. Depending of the casting method used, the cast part may need some post-processing if the surface quality requirements are high.

Also, this method can be paired with machining to arrive at the desirable final design.

Additive Manufacturing

Additive manufacturing usually refers to 3D printing processes. These methods build up the part layer by layer, allowing extreme flexibility for the part design. Which makes it the most appropriate process to select for manufacturing parts created by generative design.

Most printers are able to process plastics but 3D metal printers are a little less common. This is also one of the key reasons why generative design has not picked up in popularity as quickly as some projections said.

Some common additive manufacturing methods are VAT photopolymerisation, material extrusion, binder jetting, sheet lamination, powder fusion, directed energy deposition, and material jetting. You can learn more about them all in our article on rapid prototyping methods.

Injection Moulding

Injection moulding is a great way for large-scale production of plastic parts. The production is quick and achieves a high degree of similarity between parts.

A wide variety of plastic and polymer materials are available for selection and you can use fillers to further increase the strength.

The finishing has high accuracy levels which means that no post-processing is necessary.

CNC Machining

Precision CNC machining can create very complex parts. 5-axis machining capabilities are flexible and able to twist and turn according to the code instructions.

Both milling and turning can create highly accurate parts and adhere to precise surface finish requirements. The tolerances for CNC machining are famously tight, even when looking at general ones outlined in the ISO 2768 standard.

Generative Design Software

Generative design is not a CAD application. It is an adjunct to it. As such, the most popular CAD software can incorporate this feature in their existing design solutions to cater to the design industry’s needs. Some of the most common generative design programs are:

Fusion 360 (Autodesk)

Autodesk Generative Design
Autodesk Generative Design

This program is a great option for technical design projects. Its salient qualities are its excellent assembly features and parametric design.

The fact that Fusion 360 is free for a year has helped build a huge community of users making it an extremely well-known software in design, fabrication, and manufacturing circles.

The Autodesk generative design feature can be paired with all the above-mentioned manufacturing methods.

Siemens NX

Siemens NX Generative Design
Siemens NX Generative Design

Siemens NX software is a world-class tool that incorporates generative design features. Even though it has a large number of features, the program can be mastered in a short time.

It is a well-integrated product life cycle management software capable of managing the design and creating standard workflows. The cost of use per person is quite high which limits the use of this software to the enterprise level only.

PTC’s Creo

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Creo Generative Design
Creo Generative Design

The Creo generative design architecture by PTC delivers innovative solutions using traditional as well as additive manufacturing methods. Generative design is fully integrated into Creo so there are no disconnected processes and no need to recreate data.

Creo is an easy-to-use, interactive, parametrically driven program. Creo also harnesses the power of the cloud to simultaneously explore dozens or even hundreds of material and production scenarios with top options highlighted for the user.

Advantages of Generative Design

Saves Time

One of the most important advantages that a company seeks when mulling over the introduction of new technology is the conservation of time. The amount of time saved directly translates to higher profits as designers/engineers can be freed up to attend to other tasks.

The use of generative design saves a minimum of 20 percent when it comes to project duration. This reduces the time-to-market for new products which can be the difference between success and failure.

More Creative Options

While designers are known to have excellent imaginations, they are prone to biases. The way they have worked in the past influences their future decisions when it comes to modelling.

Generative design introduces them to new shapes and sizes that they could not have come up with themselves. These shapes and sizes are generally more efficient at accomplishing the product’s intended task, as decision-making is solely based on input data.

Parts Consolidation

An important benefit of this technology is the ability to consolidate parts. A generative design program can create complex parts that can easily replace multiple single parts.

Through additive manufacturing processes, these parts with complex geometry can be manufactured with ease. This ultimately reduces the number of parts in the assembly.

It also simplifies the supply chain and maintenance while reducing the cost of production.


The weight of parts can be especially important in automotive and aerospace applications, as the total mass of a structure has a significant impact on, for example, the steering of a vehicle and its fuel consumption.

Generative design can be used to reduce weight in places previously neglected to achieve innovative lightweighting. This is an important reason generative design has been adopted eagerly in the aerospace and automobile industries.

Reduces Cost Overruns and Waste

While traditional methods such as topology optimisation can also reduce cost overruns and waste, they only provide us with one solution.

Generative design, on the other hand, provides us with a long list of possible models all of which would be within our specified budget with minimal wastage.

Elimination of Weak Design Areas

Compared to traditional methods, it is easier to spot highly stressed or comparatively weak sections in a model with generative design.

Machine learning features enable the software to learn from experience and the design quality improves with time.

Disadvantages of Generative Design

Early in Development

While the concept of automated design is an excellent one, the technology available today is still primitive. Better algorithms need to be written to create more meaningful models that can be used without much manual intervention.

The technology keeps improving over time with new updates constantly bringing in more features and capabilities.

High-Skilled Labour

This design technology can create excellent models for simple objects but as we move on to more complex parts, extensive knowledge of the software and its backend working is required to save time and effort.

The designer must be capable of using ML and AI to his advantage or the created models may not be as good as they can be. This means more knowledge and experience is necessary to churn out relevant design products in a short amount of time.

Too Many Choices

While this may seem counterintuitive, having a wide variety of choices is not always desirable. An unreasonably large number of choices can easily overwhelm the architect and in some cases, actually require more time to handle than creating a manual design from scratch.

This problem, though, gets better over time as the program learns how to sort the options, using previous data about the final solution selection.

Fear for Human Jobs

There is an underlying concern among the designers and architect community that this technology will reduce the number of opportunities for architects and designers.

While this fear is not completely unfounded, the promoters of this technology believe that the designers only need to expand their skillset to adopt this technology. They also hold the firm conviction that the technology will only be a tool in the designer’s toolbox and will not affect the job market.

As a side note, we at Fractory firmly believe that industrial automation is the friend of engineers for creating better designs at lower costs and quicker rates.

High Upfront Costs

Generative design capabilities can be added to existing CAD programs that the company is currently using. Despite this obvious advantage, the technology is still costly when used for commercial purposes.

These programs depend on how many designers will be working on the system at a time and thus, for large organisations, the initial investment can be quite heavy and a major deterrent to its introduction.


Generative design technology is a culmination of the awesome power of AI, ML, and a designer’s talent. With the advent of high processing power and advanced scripting capabilities, this technology is surpassing its original constraints to give us amazing designs.

The generated products are capable of following every specified requirement and constraint to provide us with truly innovative CAD models perfect for our needs.

Today, there are still only a few industries that can actually benefit by lowering their overall costs. For example, Airbus shaved off 45% (30 kg) of the weight of a single part. The fuel consumption decrease equalled to removing 96,000 cars off the road for a year.

The development and spread of generative design has to go hand-in-hand with the availability of additive manufacturing. Although the real potential will be unveiled in the future, we can see the first strides in the right direction.

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Engineering Drawing Basics Explained Thu, 18 Jun 2020 10:48:23 +0000 An engineering drawing is a subcategory of technical drawings. The purpose is to convey all the information necessary for manufacturing a product or a part. Engineering drawings use standardised language […]

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An engineering drawing is a subcategory of technical drawings. The purpose is to convey all the information necessary for manufacturing a product or a part.

Engineering drawings use standardised language and symbols. This makes understanding the drawings simple with little to no personal interpretation possibilities.

So let’s look at the different line and view types you will come across in the engineering discipline.

The Purpose of Engineering Drawings

As already said, such a technical drawing has all the information for manufacturing a part or welding and building an assembly. The info includes dimensions, part names and numbers, etc. So once a manufacturing engineer gets the drawing, he can start the production process without a second thought.

First, we have to pause for a second and address our own customers here to avoid confusion. The drawings you submit for instant pricing and manufacturing in our system do not need any of this. The same applies to 3D models. CAD files and drawings made according to our design tips include all the necessary information for making your product. The only time we ask for a drawing is if you want to specify tolerances.

Still, knowing all the rules and basics of formatting is an absolute must in the industry, as traditional manufacturing companies still need detailed drawings.

How to Make Drawings?

A few decades ago, you would have had to sit down at a drawing board covered with papers of different size, rulers, callipers, etc. Today, all these instruments are still good for manual drafting but no contemporary manufacturer really wants such drawings.

Why? Because most of the machinery uses CNC systems that can read the information straight from the files and produce a cutting program accordingly. Drawings done by hand would just add a lot of manual work for manufacturing engineers.

So, we are left with only one option really – every engineer should use CAD (computer aided design) software because of its many advantages.

You can, of course, use CAD for making drawings from scratch. But the easier option is to first make a 3D model and create the drawings from that, as the programs generate the views with only a few clicks. All you need to do is add the dimensions. Having models also makes updating the drawings for revisions simple.

Basic Components of an Engineering Drawing

Let’s see what makes up an engineering drawing. A single drawing includes many elements with quite a few variations to each of them. So let’s take a closer look here.

Different Types of Lines

Not every line on an engineering drawing is equal. The different options make it possible to show both visible and hidden edges of a part, centre lines, etc.

continuous line

The most common is a continuous line, also known as a drawing line. This represents the physical boundaries of an object. Put simply, these lines are for drawing objects. The line thickness varies – the outer contour uses thicker lines and the inner lines are thinner.

hidden line

Hidden lines can show something that would not be otherwise visible on the drawings. For example, hidden lines may show the length of an internal step in a turned part without using a section or a cutout view (we explain both later).

centre or axis line on engineering drawing

Centre lines are used to show holes and the symmetric properties of parts. Showing symmetricity can reduce the number of dimensions and make the drawing more eye-pleasing, thus easier to read.

Dimension lines

Extension lines annotate what is being measured. The dimension line has two arrowheads between the extension lines and the measurement on top (or inside, like in the image above) the line.

broken view line

Break lines indicate that a view has been broken. If you have a part that is 3000 mm long and 10 mm wide with symmetric properties, using a break-out makes gives all the info without using as much space.

While a good way for giving information to people, CNC machines need full views in order to cut the parts. Otherwise, the manufacturing engineer has to reconstruct the whole part from the measurements.

cutting plane line

When using a cutout view, the cutting plane lines show the trajectory of the cutout. Here you can see that the A-A cutting line brings both types of holes into the view.

Types of Views

So let’s take a closer look at the different types of views that are often present in a manufacturing drawing. Each serves a certain purpose. Bear in mind that adding views should follow the same logic as dimensioning – include as little as possible and as much as necessary.

A tip for good engineering practice – only include a view if it contributes to the overall understanding of the design.

Isometric View

Isometric drawing

Isometric drawings show parts as three-dimensional. All the vertical lines stay vertical (compared to the front view) and otherwise parallel lines are shown at a 30-degree angle.

The lines that are vertical and parallel are in their true length. This means you can use a ruler and the scaling of the drawing to easily measure the length straight from a paper drawing, for example. The same does not apply to angled lines.

perspective view vs isometric view
Left – perspective; right – isometric

It is important to distinguish the isometric view from a perspective view. A perspective view is an artistic one that represents an object as it seems to the eye. Engineers stay true to the dimensions rather than optical illusions.

Orthographic View

Multiview drawing

This is the bread and butter of an engineering drawing. An orthographic view or orthographic projection is a way of representing a 3D object in 2 dimensions.

Thus, a 2D view has to convey everything necessary for part production. This kind of representation allows avoiding any kind of distortion of lengths.

Orthographic projection for drawings
Orthographic projection (ISO standard)

The most common way to communicate all the information is by using three different views in a multiview drawing:

  • Front view
  • Top view
  • Side view

It may be possible that some additional views are necessary to show all the info. But again, less is more.

The positioning of the views differs a bit regionally. For example, look at the image below to compare the US and ISO layouts.

ISO vs US drawing layout

The one on the left is called first-angle projection. Here, the top view is under the front view, the right view is at the left of the front view, etc. The ISO standard is primarily used in Europe.

On the right, you can see a third-angle projection. The right view is on the right, the top view is on the top of the front view, etc. This system is especially popular in the US and Canada.

Flat Pattern

Flat pattern drawing

If you are making a folded sheet metal part, do not forget to add a flat pattern view. The cutting job comes before bending. When it comes to our customers, the easiest way is just to upload a STEP file without any accompanying drawings.

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Creating a flat pattern view is usually pretty simple. Just be aware that you are using the sheet metal environment when making sheet metal parts in CAD. There you have the option to “generate a flat pattern” which you can easily add to the main drawing.

If you are using the standard part environment, the same option is not available. Still, many CAD programs can convert a standard part into sheet metal if the part properties correspond to sheet metal (e.g. uniform thickness, inside radius, etc.).

Section View

Section view

A section view can easily display some of the part features that are not evident when looking just from the outset. Cross section is the preferred option compared to hidden lines as it brings more clarity. The cross hatching feature is an indicator for cross sectional views.

Cutout View

Cutout view

This is the same image we used for illustrating the section view. With one slight difference – the side view includes cutouts. Cutouts can reduce the number of different views on a single drawing.

Thus, we could easily delete the section view and add all the necessary dimensions to cutouts.

Detail View

Detail view

The detail view gives us a close-up of a selected section of a larger view. This can be especially useful if an otherwise large part includes many important dimensions in a small area. Using the detail view improves the readability of these measurements.

Auxiliary View

Auxiliary view

An orthographic view to represent planes that are not horizontal or vertical. It helps to show inclined surfaces without any distortion.


As said before, new CNC machines are actually able to read the dimensions straight from the lines. But a traditional manufacturing drawing shows all the necessary dimensions for producing the parts.

The keyword here is necessary. Avoid using the auto-dimensioning feature that a lot of CAD programs offer because they tend to show everything they can find. For a beginner, it may seem like adding it all ensures that no mistakes can be made.

Actually, it can result in a confusing web of measurements that is left for the manufacturing engineer to untangle. Also, adding all dimensions you can find makes it hard to pinpoint which ones are the most important.

Driven dimension example

The image above shows a shaft with all the measurements. In reality, it creates a closed system whereby the manufacturer cannot guarantee all these dimensions 100%. Therefore, you have to determine the most important ones. In our case, we chose the end steps to be more important than the length of the central part. Thus, we should delete the 120 mm dimension.

One crucial bit of information that is missing from CAD models is geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD & T). For example, when looking to produce a shaft for a bearing system, limits and fits are of high importance. The right dimensions can guarantee a longer life with less maintenance.

While you can fetch all the dimensions automatically by clicking the measure button, adding engineering tolerances needs manual action.

Therefore, adding dimensions with lower and upper limits or fit classes is still important. Regarding Fractory’s service, we would ask you to enclose a separate drawing with these parameters. Note that you do not have to provide the whole dimensioning – only include the tolerances of a single hole on your engineering drawings if necessary.

Information Blocks

Engineering drawing bill of materials (BOM)
BOM and title block in the lower right corner

The little boxes in the bottom right corner show additional information. The title block includes the author’s name, part name, part number, quantity, coating, scale, etc. There can be much more info on there but the title blocks vary widely between different companies.

Information blocks also include a bill of materials, or BOM for short. These blocks list all the components used in the assembly, along with additional information like quantities, part names, etc.

Assembly Drawings

Many engineers’ drawings make the mistake of trying to include all the information about each individual part in an assembly drawing. To avoid this, remember the purpose of these engineering drawings during the creation process – they must make the assembling easy.

Exploded views, section views, numbered parts, general dimensions, cutouts, and detail views (or close-ups) are all tools you can use to achieve this goal.

It should be clear where each part goes and how it is attached – whether it needs welding, bolted connections, riveting or something else. The bill of materials is there to help you, so make sure the information available there is correct regarding part numbers, names and quantities.

Keeping everything above in mind will help you create assembly drawings that make life easier on the shop floor. A piece of great advice I once received goes like this – keep the thinking in the drawing room. Avoiding multiple interpretation possibilities at later steps will significantly decrease the number of errors.

What Does the Future Hold?

Engineering drawings are still a big part of an engineer’s job. All in all, making them contributes to about 20% of a design engineer’s work time.

We at Fractory are trying to save this time by automating the reading of 3D models for production, be it for different cutting and bending operations or CNC machining. This leaves engineers with the task of producing assembly and GD&T drawings only. The purpose is to keep the focus on engineering better products.

The engineering community is seeing this movement as a new trend. But as we all know, taking the whole industry up to a new standard takes a lot of time. Thus, if you still outsource your production to manufacturing companies that need drawings, you must know the basics at the very least.

Leaving room for interpretation creates a situation where your idea may not be executed as planned. And there is nobody else to blame but the author.

So consider this stage of the product development process as an integral part that requires thinking along. Keep the thinking in the drawing room.

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Generating Concepts for Product Design Wed, 10 Jun 2020 12:26:34 +0000 Engineering a great product comprises of many steps. From idea generation to actual production, you have to look for the best solution at every stage. In this article, we will […]

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Engineering a great product comprises of many steps. From idea generation to actual production, you have to look for the best solution at every stage. In this article, we will focus on the first of them – concept generation.

What Is Concept Generation?

Product concept generation is a process that starts with a list of parameters set by the customer regarding his needs and specifications. Based on the requirements, concept generation helps to pinpoint a variety of possible solutions and ideas that answer those needs.

Many engineering companies tend to overlook this phase because it may seem like a waste of time. It’s easier to run away with the first idea and start the design process.

However, looking at the problem from different angles can result in concepts that you may not have come up with without some deep thinking. Hence, it is a crucial part of the product development process.

Concept generation for product planning may be viewed as a similarly effective and forward-thinking mechanism as lean manufacturing is for production and concurrent engineering for the whole product development process. A systematic approach to the different sides of a product journey pays dividends at the end.

Steps for Creating Concepts

The conceptualisation phase itself is a step in the larger engineering process, which goes like this:

  • Identifying customer needs
  • Defining the problem and objectives
  • Concept generation
  • Drafting and analysis
  • Detailed design and drawings
  • Creating a prototype
  • Testing
  • Final delivery

Of course, the practical engineer in you probably says you usually lack the time and resources to touch half of those points. If your client is after a one-off machine, you probably do not have the money to create a full-scale prototype for rigorous testing.

This, however, does not mean that you should skip everything other than customer needs, engineering drawings and manufacturing. It only means that you are probably more restricted when it comes to trying out wholly new ideas because you cannot test if they actually work out as planned.

Even if you have to stay on the safer side, going through the concept process is of help when looking to provide the best possible solution to answer the need. So let’s take a look at what it entails.

Product concept generation steps are as follows:

  • Understanding the problem
  • Researching established solutions
  • Brainstorming & ideation
  • Assessing the ideas & solutions
  • Picking the winner & start working on it

Step 1 – Understanding the Problem

The first step is the basis for all the next ones. Not managing to get this one right will render the whole development process futile.

Bear in mind that you are the engineer and the customer may not always know what kind of information is actually necessary. They may have a vision for a solution which ignores many important details.

Thus, you have to be really methodical at this stage. Visit the site (e.g. production facilities), ask about the project goals, who must benefit and how, what are the requirements for the design, etc.

All this contributes a great deal in the next steps. You will know what questions to ask yourself before putting anything to paper (or CAD).

Step 2 – Researching Established Solutions

Before getting to generating your own designs, expose yourself to the available information. Researching solutions for the same and similar problems is a great way to kickstart the product development process.

Googling product ideas
Google’s answers for “wood chopping machine”

Your best friend at this step is Google, for sure. You can also find other great sources like GrabCAD from our list of best sites for mechanical engineers. Look up everything and anything related to your problem.

There is a reason, however, why the customer is turning to you. Maybe he didn’t find what he was looking for, although it exists. Maybe he needs a customised solution. Maybe there is nothing available on the market that could satisfy the requirements.

Whatever the answer, there will be solutions similar enough. Exposing yourself to them is necessary before going on to the next stage.

Maybe your customer needs a solution for opening doors softly so the wind couldn’t blow it wide open with a bang. And nothing like that exists. Go on doing the research about mechanisms for closing doors softly. You may find a lot of inspiration if you do not limit yourself too narrowly.

That is also why seasoned engineers are so valuable. Even if they have not worked on a project with a similar scope, bringing in the experience from a variety of different projects will help immensely. Implementing an idea that answers a similar problem may need some adjusting, but it’s a good start.

Step 3 – Brainstorming and Ideation

Now we get to put the research phase behind us to move on to the creative side of the design process. As we outlined in our tips for engineers article, we always advise generating at least 3 solutions to choose from.

Of course, on your way to these options, you will come up with a lot more ideas. But the 3 that pass the initial judgment will go into more detail. This includes the use of manufacturing technology, an in-depth analysis of the most difficult sub-assemblies, etc. We’ll get to that in Step 4.

Techniques for Producing Concepts

Engineers are famous for their ability to think critically. We are also notorious for the ability to shoot down ideas that do not make sense from the start.

When looking to create a new concept for a product, the latter quality is not really useful. At least not at this stage. It is better to switch off the critical thinking part when looking to come up with a variety of ideas. Using modern AI tools like image generators can be a big help in developing new visual concepts, offering lots of inspiration and a wide range of possibilities.

Although the ideas you will include a lot of rubbish, even the worst ones may contribute to the final concept in one way or another. A single design element stemming from a horrible initial idea is still very valuable.

The most important part is to make sure your imagination can flow freely. It is a skill that requires development, for sure. A great resource for finding ways to develop that skill is Thinkertoys by Michael Michalko.

Here, we are going to outline the most common strategies to come up with some ideas.


Brainstorming session

Let’s start with the most famous one of them all – brainstorming. This is a group exercise that is based on two premises – quantity breeds quality and deferring judgment.

The optimal size for a group is between 5-10 people and there should be a designated group leader. A session can last anywhere from fifteen minutes to an hour and there is one goal only – to come up with a lot of ideas. Of course, first, you need to lay out the problem details you pinpointed in the first step.

Everyone will have to work together to continue developing each other’s ideas. A good practice to follow is answering an idea with “Yes, and…” rather than “Yes, but…”. This will set the tone for the whole process.

The group leader can change the subject once a single idea has been followed through and rapid progress wanes down.

An important aspect here is that the brainstorming session can, and maybe should, include people from outside the circle of design engineers. These people can bring in a fresh view without much of the restricting logic. Big companies often have this type of people on the team who will never make the next step with the project. Their goal is to contribute solely at this stage.

It is the product development team’s task to later assess these ideas and choose whether using them in the concept is realistic or not.

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Reverse Brainstorming

This is a combination of brainstorming and a technique called reversing. Engineering questions tend to be something like “How can I solve this problem?” and “How could I make this work?”. Reversing means asking “How can I make this problem worse?” and “How could I break it?”.

This gives a whole new perspective which can lead to great results.

Once you have created a set of reverse questions, you can start solving them. If your brainstorming buddies come up with ingenious ideas for breaking things, they may stumble upon something that is also actually useful for preventing this from happening.

You do not have to limit yourself to asking questions only, though. Statements about the “common understanding” work just as well.

One of the more famous examples from the Thinkertoys book is attributed to Alfred Sloan who reversed the idea that a person must first buy a car before he can drive it. The reversal meant that you could buy it while driving the car, hence coming up with the idea for instalment buying.

Mind Maps

engineering mind map

Mind mapping is a great tool for someone who likes organised thinking. Someone like… an engineer.

You can take your main problem as the central word and write it down on paper. Then you just start writing down everything that relates to this word. And do the same, in turn, for those newly written-down words.

At last, you end up with a mind map with a lot of branches.

When creating a new product for your client, you can also start with the central word just being “the product” and add the requirements as the first branches – safety, ease of use, quickness, etc. When you add terms that relate to these qualities, you may well come up with a concept that covers all the necessary functions.

Just beware of the possibility of creating a feature shock. A single item does not always have to resolve all the issues in the world if it makes using it more complicated. Or results in a hideous design.

6-3-5 Method

Another team effort that requires 6 people. Each writes down 3 ideas over a 5-minute period. Now you know what the numbers stand for.

First, each individual writes down 3 ideas for a solution. Again, the problem has to be clearly defined from the start.

Next, they pass their paper along to the person sitting next to them. He can then further develop these ideas or add new ones based on the ideas he sees. Seeing another person’s perspective can be a strong ignitor of a wholly new concept.

The same process will be done until each person gets their original paper back after a full circle. And now you have 108 ideas in total. Yes, some of them are very raw and partial. But you just spent less than an hour (including setting up the meeting and explaining what is going to happen) to generate a wide range of concepts for your product.

Lateral Thinking vs Vertical Thinking

Lateral vs vertical thinking

Lateral thinking is definitely one of the most important elements of product design concept generation. Although we have already addressed it in principle, it will not hurt to lay it out.

Lateral thinking refers to a broad search for a large number of possibilities and ideas. The aim is to avoid going in-depth with any of this or even passing judgment. Sure, passing the opportunity to make a joke about your colleague’s lack of intelligence may be tough to resist, but do your best.

Vertical thinking is the opposite, whereby you analyse one solution in-depth for its pros and cons. As this is part of an engineer’s nature, resisting temptation needs some discipline and willpower.

But if you succeed at that, you will get the opportunity to do just that in the next stage.

Step 4 – Assessing the Ideas and Solutions

Now you have a wide range of different proposals on the table. Sure, most of them cannot solve your problem. But out of the plethora of ideas, there must be some good ones. How to sift through them all?

Now is the time to bring logic back into action. A sigh of relief – finally!

First, go over the ideas and choose a few that look like great candidates – 3 to 5 concepts would be great.

product sketch for concept visualisation

Secondly, do some sketching for the select few. Besides being just illustrations, sketching can bring out the pros and cons of many of these ideas. Also, turn your attention to the more difficult aspects of each concept and try to come up with a general idea of how to solve them. This will help to assess many of the crucial points here.

Next, build up an assessment form or scoring matrix. It can include everything that is necessary for this project. Every idea gets a rating which is weighed. The scoring points can include manufacturing cost, manufacturability, time to design, efficiency, durability, aesthetics, etc.

Maybe cost is the most important aspect, so give it a weight of 1 while aesthetics is a nice-to-have and comes with a weight of 0.25. After scoring each aspect on the same scale (e.g. 10 points max), you get your winning concept.

Step 5 – Pick the Winner and Start Working on It

So here you have it – the winning concept. Now it’s time to start the process of product development. Next comes specific design selection. There, you can also make use of powerful CAD software features like generative design to aid in the process of creating highly optimised designs.

During that phase, you should also know the material or at least the material class because it determines the thicknesses and overall geometry of the part. Last but not least comes the making of production drawings. Unless you can manufacture your parts straight from 3D files.

Engineering is all about problem-solving. The customer has a need for something and he turned to you to get it solved. Doing your best entails putting it all out at every stage of the process.

Sure, time restrictions can breathe down your neck but the initial phase for finding ideas does not take that long actually. Finding the right one, though, will help to dramatically diminish the time spent in the next phases as well as overall costs.

And if you really are in a hurry, remember that generating two ideas is still better than one.

Now, armed with a few techniques, let’s start making better products!

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Best CAD-CAM Software Thu, 16 Apr 2020 08:55:13 +0000 CNC machining software is necessary to translate your drawings and CAD models into code. CNC stands for computer numerical control. Meaning that computers read the code and run the manufacturing […]

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CNC machining software is necessary to translate your drawings and CAD models into code. CNC stands for computer numerical control. Meaning that computers read the code and run the manufacturing machinery accordingly.

It is, of course, possible to create the code on your own. But why risk making mistakes? Automating this part is easy with CAM software. CAM is an acronym of computer-aided manufacturing. So these programs are the ones doing the coding part for you.

There are a few different CAM packages to choose from. Some are CAM only, meaning you can feed in the engineering drawings and models for translating it to CNC programs.

The more common option is CAD-CAM. This means CAD software that also has CAM capabilities. This way you can create your models, translate them to code and go back and forth between making changes and getting feedback on the producibility of parts.

This last feature can be very powerful, as taking all the intricacies of CNC machining into account may be difficult for people. CNC machining software, on the other hand, easily detects faces and surfaces that would be difficult to create using milling or turning.

Types of CNC

We have actually written a longer piece about this topic, giving an overview of CNC machining and CNC machines.

But let’s make a short summary here as well. CNC machining services include CNC milling and CNC turning. But computer numerical control finds use with other fabrication methods as well. Like laser cutting, plasma cutting, etc.

In short, every contemporary automated metal fabrication system uses this method. And talking about CNC is not limited to machining only.

Having clarity helps us move on, as we are focusing only on milling and turning here.

CAD-CAM Software

So, having already touched the subject, we can easily find a lot of programs that have CAD-CAM capabilities.

Designing the parts with such programs helps us to go back and forth, getting feedback about the possibility to produce a certain part. The software highlights the problems, so we can easily fix them.

Also, no translation of file formats is necessary, simplifying the whole process considerably.

But what are those programs? And which one is suitable for your needs?

Fusion 360

Fusion 360 CAM
Fusion 360 CAM

Also listed in our best free CAD software post, it comes up here as well. On top of the free version for hobbyists, Fusion 360 has a powerful and cheap option for professionals. And this includes CAM capabilities.

The video above takes you through a quick tutorial, showing how to set up a cutting program for CNC machining. The ability to import your exact CNC cutting tools makes it very easy to take all into account.

Visualising the tool path is simple and straightforward. An excellent option for both hobbyists and professionals.

SolidWorks CAM

Solidworks CAM Add-On
Solidworks CAM Add-On

Everyone knows SolidWorks, the most popular computer-aided design program out there. It also has an add-on to upgrade it to a CAD-CAM software.

Using the CAD file for producing the machining code, you can rest assured that the final part will be as close to the digital representation as possible. And there is no necessity for giving this software a separate input.

The add-on layer comes in a few different packages. So you can pay for what you actually need. Whether you are looking to design parts for CNC milling on 3-axis or multi-axis machines, there is an option right for you. As you can imagine, the more complex your parts and manufacturing processes, the costlier the package.

The video above also shows how generating the G code with the CAM system works. You can check the simulation in both 3D view as well as code view. Having your own tools library helps to make this generation process very quick but also check for interference errors, should there be any. You can then easily make some changes to the choice of machine tools or sequence of operations to amend that.

There are a lot of online tutorials available to ease the learning curve. Also, the user interface is friendly for beginners, as is the case with other SolidWorks programs.

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Solid Edge CAM Pro

Another CAD program with a wide range of users. And with a CAM add-on. Solid Edge CAM Pro is pretty similar to the equivalent package of SolidWorks, as is the main program itself.

Toggling between the CAD and CAD windows is easy and quick. All the changes to the 3D models will be accounted for automatically in the computer-aided manufacturing software. Thus, new cutting routes and tooling suggestions are available at once, reducing time-consuming activities in the process.

Solid Edge CAM Pro promises a lot of templates and guides to help you get started with the software. At the same time, we can see the usual situation for online tutorials where SolidWorks users are posting a lot more user-generated content online. While this may not be so important for an experienced user who know what to look for, it can be of great help to a beginner.

However, this is definitely a great tool to accompany excellent CAD software. Solid Edge itself is easy to use and so is this add-on. Getting a complete manufacturing workflow takes only a few clicks. The program also displays cutting times that help manufacturers give out quick price quotes.


Similarly to SolidWorks, it is a product of Dassault Systèmes. This is the flagship product of the company, coming with a higher price but also more capabilities. CATIA was, at first, meant for industries with very high expectations. These include automotive, marine, industrial equipment, etc.

Aside from CAD, it has powerful CAE (computer-aided engineering) tools for finite element analysis. And the same applies to CAM.

It can process very complex parts that require high-speed machining operations, 5-axis, spiral milling, etc. The tool path creation bases on the tools library, as in the above-mentioned programs. Interference-checking is also possible along with a view of the finished parts.

CATIA’s higher cost can pay for itself when using it to its fullest. The capabilities include roughing and finishing. It uses previous data to shorten cycle times for both milling and turning operations, helping increase the tool life.


CAD-CAM software is an excellent choice if you create your own design and produce the parts as well. The CAM packages can give crucial information about the ability to produce parts fast, or even just produce them, to the CAD engineers. It can give live feedback and update the CNC programs instantly when a change occurs in the CAD model, making calculating CNC machining costs easy.

Most of the packages are powerful enough to satisfy the needs of average users, especially when using more traditional 3-axis machining.

There are also CAD plugins, like HSM that can be used on top of CAD without buying the CAD-CAM package.

Designated CAM programs offer flexibility and accuracy with more complex parts and processes. These are the best option when looking for very powerful software for more advanced manufacturing solutions. Computing the tool paths and making the right choices for tooling are just more intricate with 5-axis milling, for example.

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Best CAD Software With Finite Element Analysis Tools Fri, 06 Sep 2019 13:28:23 +0000 Finite Element Analysis software, also known as FEA software, is a common tool for every mechanical engineer today. In the current market, there are many challenges to face in order […]

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Finite Element Analysis software, also known as FEA software, is a common tool for every mechanical engineer today.

In the current market, there are many challenges to face in order to keep competitive. High profitability needs high quality products. Thus, product development engineers, QA engineers, reliability engineers, design engineers, etc. have to do their utmost to achieve that quality.

Some of the challenges include performing tests to make sure the parts and materials of their products behave as expected. That includes reactions to different situations including forces, vibrations and heat.

In the past, these tests were performed by creating a prototype of the product and performing the tests on it. However, creating prototypes and testing on them usually takes time and results in higher costs.

Using Finite Element Analysis, therefore, aligns very well with lean manufacturing methods in order to maximise productivity and minimise waste.

What is Finite Element Analysis?

Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is a type of computerised analysis method. It is used to study simulated physical phenomena which is based on the Finite Element Method (FEM). FEM is a numerical method that uses mathematical models to solve complex structural engineering problems represented by differential equations.

Engineers use Finite Element Analysis in the design process. Instead of making prototypes for real-life experiments, they turn to Finite Element Analysis software.

Applying it during the design phase helps to optimise machinery parts to make better products and deliver them faster.

How to Use FEA in the Design Process?

There are different stages in the design process. One of them is testing out solutions to see if they meet the requirements and expected working behaviour.

First, the problem is defined. Market research is conducted in order to identify and specify the requirements. Then brainstorming and evaluation of different possibilities takes place. This includes modelling different parts and even whole assemblies by means of CAD software for better visualisation.

Fortunately, current CAD software usually comes in the form of a package that includes other modules beyond modelling. Many of them already include FEA capabilities. Of those, many even work with fluids which is known as Computational Fluid Dynamics or CFD.

Therefore, the models made in the previous stages of the design process can be used to test the possible solution. If necessary, redesigning the parts based on data and test results takes place.

Of course, it is also possible to export the models to another simulation software if necessary. Specialised software gives more accurate results and has more functions. For example, such optimisation is necessary for large-batch production. Over-dimensioning results in unnecessary costs that accumulate with series production.

Aspects to Consider in Applying FEA

Now, there are some aspects to consider when applying FEA in the design process:

  • The type of analysis required must be clearly defined, which can be static or dynamic.
  • The model must be FEA optimised. This is why CAD packages can be very powerful, as all the data of the CAD model is always available.
  • Some hand-calculations must be performed. This is the only way to validate the FEA results. Check out our list of websites for mechanical engineers for great sources to perform these checks using online calculators.

Types of Analysis

You have to be sure to select the right analysis type to get the correct results.

Static Analysis

SOLIDWORKS Simulation - Linear Static Stress
SOLIDWORKS Simulation - Linear Static Stress

It includes linear static and non-linear quasi-static situations. Some of the most common scenarios covered by static analysis include linear stress analysis, deformation analysis and thermal analysis.

Simple and complex structural analysis under specific loads are commonplace for static analysis.

Dynamic Analysis

Linear Dynamic Analysis of a Bike Frame - Solidworks Simulation
Linear Dynamic Analysis of a Bike Frame - Solidworks Simulation

It studies dynamic behaviours under dynamic loads, such as vibrational excitation. It includes modal analysis, harmonic response analysis, transient dynamic analysis and rotodynamic analysis.

Examples of dynamic analysis applications include the behaviour of engine components in different stages, such as the startup. It is also applicable for studying impacts outside the engineering realm. For example, you can create a simulation of a human skull’s reaction to impact.

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CAD Software with FEA Capabilities

Nowadays, there is a large variety of CAD and FEA software solutions being offered. With constant technological advances, it is easier to create more specific solutions with distinct features. The remaining question is – which of them suits you?

Incorporating FEA possibilities into the list of features is one of the big advantages of CAD software. Here we give you an overview of the most powerful CADs with integrated Finite Element Analysis tools. Highlighting the benefits and possible limitations of each makes it easier for you to choose the best option.

Autodesk Inventor

AutoDesk Inventor 2017 : 13 : Stress Analysis
AutoDesk Inventor 2017 : 13 : Stress Analysis

Autodesk first gained world-wide traction with the AutoCAD 2D drafting series. Now, Autodesk has grown into one of the top CAD and Finite Element Analysis software suppliers.

Inventor is Autodesk’s mechanical design and 3D CAD software. It includes classic CAD features such as parametric modelling, assembly modelling and drawing creation. But it also has more powerful new tools like design automation and automated frame design.

This software also allows you to work with sheet metal designs in a separate environment. It also provides great flexibility for visualisation such as exploded views and video animations.

Regarding Finite Element Analysis capabilities, you can easily run static or modal stress analysis and dynamic analysis on your models. The software provides a settings dialog box, a parametric table and a simulation guide to assist you with the simulation process.

In addition, Autodesk also offers Inventor Nastran, which they define as a CAD-embedded finite element analysis software. It is only available when subscribing to their Product Design and Manufacturing Collection.

This software should work as an extension to the FEA capabilities provided by Inventor. It includes a wider variety of studies and materials for your analysis. For example, the possibility of running linear and nonlinear stress, dynamics, and heat transfer studies.


  • Powerful software from a prominent company.
  • CAD embedded, thus file exports and imports are not necessary to run the studies.
  • Customer support available in multiple languages.
  • Great knowledge base in and out of the company’s website, including video tutorials, articles and forums.
  • Assemblies and weldments can also be tested without the need for complex settings.


  • Limited to linear stress and linear dynamic analysis. Other types require using Inventor Nastran.
  • Inventor Nastran cannot be acquired as a stand-alone complement but only with a collection. The collection may include software you do not really need, and it can be pricey.
  • Native only for Windows.

Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks

Introduction to Solidworks Finite Element Analysis
Introduction to Solidworks Finite Element Analysis

One of the main competitors of Autodesk Invetor, SolidWorks is a 3D CAD software created in France. It prides itself on its design-to-manufacturing capabilities.

Among the main features found within SolidWorks, the possibility to work with large and complex assemblies stands out. It is possible to work on a simple model and scale into a full facility complex.

SolidWorks is a full CAD package with different modules including one of the best CAD-CAM softwares. These modules include:

  • 3D CAD
  • SolidWorks CAM
  • Composer
  • Electrical 3D
  • Electrical Schematics
  • Inspection
  • Simulation, etc.

FEA is applied through the SolidWorks Simulation module. The module comes in three levels: Standard, Professional and Premium. Obviously the latter is the most powerful version and includes:

  • Static studies
  • Fatigue studies
  • Motion analysis
  • Thermal analysis
  • Frequency studies
  • Buckling studies
  • Pressure vessel studies
  • Topology optimisation
  • Linear dynamic studies
  • Non-linear analysis

In addition, the creator offers complements to SolidWorks Simulation. They range from flow simulation and plastic packages to more specific solutions. For example, the Electronics Cooling and Sustainability modules provide you with options to validate your design. All of these packages and modules are embedded in the 3D CAD software.

Moreover, to offer higher FEA capabilities to their users, Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks offers ABAQUS through their Simulia Structural Simulation Designer. It is a specialised FEA software that has great compatibility with the CAD interface.


  • Powerful software from a prominent and validated company.
  • CAD embedded, files exports and imports are not needed to run the studies.
  • Wide range of tests within the same package.
  • CFD tests can also be performed.
  • Complements are offered as stand-alone solutions, giving you the possibility to only pay for what you really need.
  • Customer support available in multiple languages.
  • Great knowledge base in and out of the company’s website, including video tutorials, articles and forums.


  • Depending on the version and number of modules you use, system requirements can be very high.
  • Native only for Windows.

Siemens Solid Edge

Simulation and Optimization of CAD Design in Solid Edge
Simulation and Optimization of CAD Design in Solid Edge

Solid Edge is a complete portfolio of product development tools offered by Siemens. The prominent German company offers tools for mechanical and electrical design, simulation, manufacturing, technical publications, data management and much more.

In the latest release of Solid Edge, we can find many new features. These include advanced technologies such as augmented reality and the ability to completely digitalise the design-to-manufacturing process.

Another outstanding feature included in Solid Edge is the optimisation for both additive and subtractive manufacturing. A range of manufacturing processes can be defined and executed, including:

  • CNC machining
  • Nesting
  • Cutting
  • Bending
  • Moulding
  • Welding
  • Assembling
  • Additive manufacturing

The latter is a nice addition due to the advancements in 3D printing technologies.

Solid Edge offers simulation tools in 3 different levels: Solid Edge Premium, Solid Edge Simulation and Solid Edge Simulation Advanced. Solid Edge’s scalable simulation lets the user digitally validate and optimise parts, assemblies and complete systems. You can do it early in the design process to reduce the need for rapid prototyping and save time and costs.

FEA capabilities in Solid Edge include simulation of individual parts, assembly analysis and computational fluid dynamics (CFD). With this CAD and Finite Element Analysis software it is possible to perform:

  • Stress analysis and simulations
  • Vibration simulations
  • Full motion simulations
  • Buckling simulations
  • Thermal simulations

All options are based on proven Femap finite element modelling and NX Nastran solver technology.


  • Powerful software from a prominent and validated company.
  • CAD embedded, files exports and imports are not needed to run the studies.
  • Wide range of capabilities within the same package.
  • CFD tests can also be performed.
  • Capabilities are scalable in a 3-level system for you to decide when higher costs are really justified.
  • Customer support available in multiple languages.
  • Great knowledge base in and out of the company’s website, including video tutorials, webinars, articles, forums and more.
  • License can be acquired on an annual or a monthly subscription. It gives flexibility for the user to decide how to pay.


  • Depending on the version you use, system requirements can be very high compared to other CAD and FEA software.
  • The latest versions are limited to Windows 10 Enterprise or Professional.

PTC Creo

PTC Creo Simulate
PTC Creo Simulate

Creo is another well-known company in the design and engineering community. Their 3D CAD and Finite Element Analysis software is a tough competitor for the big names.

Creo offers scalable 3D CAD product development packages and tools. Those tools feature modelling and design, simulation and analysis, augmented reality and additive manufacturing.

In addition to the 3D design capabilities that you may find in any software, Creo offers possibilities for knowledge-based design. You can utilise real-world product usage data through their Smart Connected Design feature.

FEA capabilities in Creo have been scaling over the years. In the latest version, they have added CFD with the Creo Flow Analysis Extension. Another component is the Creo Simulation Live tool which provides instant feedback in the modelling environment.

Creo Simulation Live is the most remarkable feature, as it puts structural, thermal, and modal analyses into the hands of designers instantly. It is possible to perform simulations without the need to mesh or simplify models.

This technology was created in partnership with one of the most respected names in the engineering software industry, ANSYS. Therefore, Creo has definitely boosted their credibility and reliability in the market.

With Creo 6.0 it is possible to run:

  • Structural analysis
  • Thermal tests
  • Motion analysis
  • Fatigue simulation
  • Mould fill analysis

All these possibilities make it a good option as a complete 3D CAD and Finite Element Analysis software.


  • Powerful software from a prominent and validated company.
  • CAD embedded, files exports and imports are not needed to run the studies.
  • Wide range of capabilities within the same package.
  • CFD and mould filling tests can also be performed.
  • Capabilities are scalable in a 5-level subscription system for you to decide when higher costs are really justified.
  • Customer support available in multiple languages.
  • Great knowledge base in and out of the company’s website, including video tutorials, webinars, articles, forums and more.
  • License can be acquired on pay-as-you-go model, which gives flexibility for the user to decide how to pay.


  • Simulation limited to the Design Premium and Design Premium Plus tiers.
  • Native for Windows only.

Final Thoughts

It is important to mention that we can find very powerful and specific Finite Element Analysis softwares such as ANSYS. These offer the possibility to run studies on more complex and specific engineering situations and fields. However, this type of software has no use as a separate CAD program. So they need to be used parallel to some of the programs we mentioned before.

If you are a student, a teacher, or a small business owner, you can often benefit from special offers. Some programs even make themselves free for learning purposes, so use this opportunity to choose the suitable one for yourself.

If you have your CAD models ready, you can submit them for an instant manufacturing quote on our online platform!

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Tips for Engineering Drawings Thu, 14 Mar 2019 11:56:27 +0000 Mechanical engineers learn a list of rules to follow when making engineering drawings. Those rules don’t always apply, though. When making drawings for automated cutting jobs, they have to be […]

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Mechanical engineers learn a list of rules to follow when making engineering drawings. Those rules don’t always apply, though. When making drawings for automated cutting jobs, they have to be very simple.

What are the things to keep in mind when making production drawings? We have compiled a list of tips for engineering drawings:

DXF is the Right Choice

DXF files can be fed straight to CNC machines. Always prefer DXF to DWG or any other file type. There is also free CAD software for making 2D drawings in DXF format. DXF files can also be used to get instant laser cutting quotes.

Create a Drawing from Scratch

Don’t use the save as command to create a new drawing. Start a new one instead. Otherwise, you can end up with a faulty drawing. We see ones that have leftover lines or views from old drawings laying around. This can lead to 36×20 metre sheet sizes and the like.

Also, blocks and layers that are not related to the drawing make simple flat pattern files unnecessarily big (e.g 1.5 Mb). This slows down the uploading process.

Chamfered Holes

Plasma and laser cutting are for perpendicular cuts only. Add the required chamfers later. The manufacturing drawing should include the cutting line for the hole, nothing more. Show the chamfers on a separate PDF and add it to your quotation request.

Threaded Holes

Hole sizes for threads
Blind hole sizes for thread size

Threading is an extra operation. You can still cut a blind hole into the sheet with a laser to make the threading effortless and accurate.

Leave Room Between Cuts

Two holes in sheet metal

Leave some room between two cuts. If they are too close, the metal melts and may spray around, leaving an ugly area between the holes. Even worse, the bridge may melt altogether, if it is very narrow. The rule is to leave a bridge as wide as the thickness of the material.

Small Holes

Holes with a diameter smaller than the thickness of the plate must be drilled after the cutting process. Our advice is to adjust the size if possible to keep the costs low. Otherwise, the price of drilling gets added later. If you really need holes that small, you can get the centre marks engraved to ensure accurate positioning.

One Part per Drawing

Detail flat pattern drawing


Delete anything that isn’t necessary. If you submit a collage of 20 details, someone will have to copy them onto separate drawings manually. Do it before uploading the drawings to get the fastest possible laser cutting service. No side-views or anything, just a flat pattern.

Hatched Holes and Centre Lines

You may ask yourself – who hatches holes? Someone. This is neither a standard, nor useful in any way. We were all taught to mark holes with centre lines in our classes but those are also just a distraction. Keep it blank.

Connect the Letter Insides

Laser cut letter O with connections
Letter “O” with connecting bridges

This is very often overlooked. When you want to add some words on your sheet of metal, consider the fact that the insides cannot levitate in the air. In our example, the inside ring of “O” is connected by 2 bridges. Otherwise, the inside ring would fall away and there would be an extra cut unnecessary to the final outcome.

Laser Cutting Leaves an Inside Radius

laser cut detail with inside radii
Laser cutting leaves an inside radius

So, the last example was almost good. Still, you cannot make sharp cuts. A laser beam itself is round, thus leaving an inside radius. The simplest way is to follow material thickness – the minimal inside radius is 1/10 of the thickness. As an example, you can use R1, if you have a 10 mm thick steel plate.

Check the Scale

All drawings must be 1:1. Check the scale after creating the DXF files. Our system gives your sheet’s general dimensions after uploading the drawings. Make sure it corresponds to reality. If not, adjust the scale.

Overwriting Dimensions

We receive engineering drawings that have overwritten dimensions on them. If you just delete the old value and replace it with the right one, the scale will still stay the same. The dimension does not drive the line length.

Breaking the Views

Drawing with broken view
Breaking a view may be a useful tool to make a drawing easily readable for a person. However, engineering drawings heading to automated cutting are read by computers. Breaking a detail gives the opposite effect and confuses the system, so forget about this function for now.

Glitches, Errors and the Like

This is especially common when converting the drawing format (e.g. PDF to DXF). Check the converted one for scrambled lines, random dots etc. If it keeps occurring, some Googling may lead you towards solving the problem. All my bolted connections used to show up scrambled, a 2-minute tutorial saved me from manual labour.

Nice Side Up

The prettier side of the sheet must be facing you. If you choose to get your sheet metal brushed, include the direction of brushing on your PDF drawing. Otherwise, you can orientate your DXF knowing that the brushing will be done horizontally in relation to the drawing.

Infinite Coastline

The coastline paradox says that the coastline of a landmass has no definitive length. Coastlines have fractal-like properties that lead to infinite lengths. We have received similar drawings that have zig-zaggy lines. Our calculator gives the price accordingly, although the zigginess of the lines is a mishap. 

No Title Block

Title block is another confusing element for the computer. Only include lines that are used for cutting. The system does not care who is the author of those drawings, nor who checked them.

Overlapping Lines

We have received engineering drawings that have lines on top of each other. You may not notice them but the computer does and calculates them as separate cuts, adding to the price quotation. You will not be charged for those cuts later but the initial price will not represent the reality.

Bending Lines

Bending lines on drawing

The same applies for bending lines. They are not related to cutting but will be seen as lines to cut, thus adding to the price offered. Add those to your PDF or just upload a .STP file for sheet metal bending. When using SolidWorks or Autodesk Inventor, you don’t have to convert your files to .stp as our platform also supports file formats native to these software (.sldprt and .ipt respectively).

Also, make sure that it is possible to manufacture your design with the available press brake tooling.

Everything Must Be Connected

If you draw in a 2D environment, like AutoCAD, connect all the lines on the drawing. One way for an easy check is to try to hatch an area – if it is not properly connected, the hatch cannot be done. Just don’t forget to delete the hatched area after a successful try!

Cut to Normal

As stated before, laser and plasma cutting are for perpendicular cuts only. If you design a product in a 3D CAD-software and want to cut a hole in a shallow cylinder, use the function cut to normal to avoid confusion. This results in cuts that are marked with one continuous line.

The points above will shorten your time spent on drawing. Remember to keep it simple. It may be difficult to abandon all the drawings rules taught at university but it will make the service smoother for everybody.

Following this advice will give you quick and accurate quotations for your details!

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